
Yikes - sounds like you have a great career. I guess people like you will fill our need for all the non-fulfilling grunt work that needs to get done.

Speed reading is not as enjoyable as reading it at a subvocalization level. You miss the nuances of speech, especially.

It will be interesting to see how they (re)introduce Arstan Whitebeard aka Barriston Selmy. It works in a novel when you can't see the guy... I guess they'll just do lots of make-up and fun with wigs?

So far I've felt that the casting for GoT has been spot on, but I just don't see this guy playing Mance. I picture a younger skinnier guy.

I converted to a standing desk about a year and a half ago and have not once considered ditching it. It cost me $40 (2 tv trays for my monitors, and an little dorm room entertainment stand for my mouse/keyboard). When I get tired of standing, I take 60 seconds to convert back to a sitting desk and sit for a couple of

Not compatible with Galaxy Nexus - LAME.

Real men don't wear belts.

Wow, nice Star Control reference...

This was the game that got me hooked on sci-fi forever.

Thank you, lifehacker - I got in!

New meme, anyone?

Gonna have a hard time with the Dark Brotherhood quests... just sayin'

How many people are carrying around their kindle while they shop?

Well, now they're saying it's because of security concerns - which is complete BS to cover up their monetary motives.

Sounds like we need a little FCC intervention here - is it legal to block such an app b/c it competes with their own?

I'd gladly buy a house if I knew where I could... I've looked all over Windhelm and have not found any vacant houses.

I'm running a Core 2 Quad Q9550 @ 3.25ghz, 8gb ddr2 1066 ram, and a GTX 560 - I can run on Ultra 1080p with very seldom a lag.

As with Oblivion - I will try and complete most of the side quests before "beating" the game. I kinda agree - it makes things seem less important if you beat the main quest, then continue.

There can never be enough Skyrim posts. I have to pass time while at work before going home and playing more Skyrim....