
I think this is legit - when you consider that google's nexus challenge ends on the 21st - it just seems like they would have it coincide with the US launch date.

I agree with you - Witcher 2 is superior in its polish and mechanics, but Skyrim in undeniably vast and epic.

That is epic!

I honestly don't know as I have not started a second character. I know that with most bioware games for instance, you select which character you want to load, then it displays only the save games that correspond to that character. Hopefully Bethesda did something similar.

Ok - I had to get on here to express how impressed I am.

You can create as many characters as you want. You just need to make sure you're loading the correct save file. When you hover over a save file, it will tell you the name, level, and race of the character...

Well... maybe I can yet salvage this... after reading a bit (which I have 100% been avoiding) - perhaps I can just find this boy and talk to him - then tell him I killed her.

Oh shit.


I 100% agree... after playing this for like 10 minutes - I thought to myself, "This is Fallout 3."

When I realized that ACT II could have been completely different, I got so excited to replay the game with different choices. No other game has had your choices impact on such a scope - it's insane!

When I get a dog, I want to name it Nymeria from A Game of Thrones - my wife won't even let me do that!

The lighting in Witcher is ridiculous. I've never been so overwhelmed by a game that I find myself stopping quite often just to admire how god damn gorgeous it is.

Download it on Steam and play it at midnight.

I am pre-loaded and on Central time... my Steam copy unlocks at 11:00 tonight!!! I can't wait. I just beefed up my computer in anticipation (even though it probably won't need it).

I am 100% buying this the second they go on sale. This will be perfect for me and my wife. I can play games and she can watch tv/movies with both of us on the couch.

It weighs 600 grams and fits fine for people with glasses. Many other reviewers that wear glasses said that they had no trouble with it.

Hello @Sneakypoo.... I too have the G700 and wanted to ask you - do you have connectivity issues at all? I have my machine set up in my living room for laying-on-the-couch-gaming. I'm probably about 8 feet away from the computer. I've had to move the dongle to the front of my machine to avoid getting hiccups,

A little bit of both.

I've got a whole 25% (read: 2 hours) to do all that worldy stuff.