
Can someone give me a straight answer...

One of the firs things I thought of when exiting the theater, "This would make an amazing game!"

@arkadin13: Here, here. Massive waits for playing co-op... same problem as you - got pulled into "The River" and stuck in a never ending loop of bullets loading.

In a sense - these morons are worshiping their own fanaticism

@ipitydatfu: I got a Herman Miller Aeron off of craigslist for $300. It's a 2002, but comes with a 12 year warrany - so I'm good for a bit longer...

This needs to be on Kotaku asap!

So that gives crackers nearly two weeks to figure out to... uh... crack it before the release date.

Dr. Colin Freeman... Gordon's cousin?

wow... hitting refresh on his twitter page is crazy... his followers keep going up... and up... and...

Someone should use this:

@Jee_: 2nd that

So Dragon Age gets a sequel announce less than a year after the original...

creme bulay

1. Mass Effect 2

@herogear: Could definitely do without the Tron logo... it's not as if that logo is present on anything in the movie...

@aDFP: Instant New York Times Best Seller!

@aDFP: nice retort... I smell a thesis...

@icarus212001: It seems there is no way to convince you that a great majority of gamers (legitimate, although you would have others believe we are some half-breed of non-gamers who are only interested because of the shiny pictures) are intersted in more than simply "FUN". Sure - geometry wars is crazy fun... but I'm

@icarus212001: perhaps kotaku should rename TAY to Troll Amonst Yourselves?

@icarus212001: "Also, the mere fact that you control something makes it a toy. Make it is artsy as you want, but as long as you control the outcome, it's only purpose is to entertain you with you at the wheel."