
@aDFP: thank god everyone here isn't an ignorant nintendo fanboy who blindly ignores their lack of innovation and calls it classic.

@icarus212001: The one thing you're missing here is that what we consider "FUN" now probably won't be that FUN to us in 20 years. So even though I love Mass Effect and Red Dead Redemption and Crysis and Bioshock for their realism by today's standards, they will probably seem boring to me when more realistic

@icarus212001: So you would call someone pretentious because they appreciate quality in the graphics of a game - as opposed to low-res cartoon worlds?

let's not forget to close our tags! /

@arkadin13: I saddens me to see the types of comments you are getting on this... apparently people are satisfied with mediocrity and a sheer lack of innovation. I guess that's why they play nintendo games in the fist place - they're not interested in such things.

@staySICK: or you can just buy the wireless adapter for pc if you already own an xbox 360 controller... I use it and it works great.

@PudgiesJockeyGivesTheRideOfYou...: I wish. I just know that Nvidia has been in great competition with Intel and AMD to build a truly great integrated CPU/GPU... according to @VagEnthusiast, ATI is as well...

@Deez: well then my friends and I must all be unlucky, because every controller we all own, the d-pad is sticky and you have to double press buttons to get them to respond.

Integrated CPU & GPU? Nvidia?

Can we get a redesigned controller with a functional d-pad too?!?

@ShinoBoy: but unfortunately some games, such as Mass Effect and Street Fighter IV do not allow the backing up of save games. Bastards!

@Seraphna: I was biting my tongue when commenting - thinking of the blood dragon armor... I didn't use it for myself, but I always had Oghren wearing it.

preorder bonuses are gimmicks. For most RPG's they end up being useless items after the first 5 hrs. of gameplay.

@demidan: I'm going to a wedding there in July.

@Showmeyomoves!: "If you think videogames' only potential lies in story-telling, you should find a different hobby. " I'm sorry, I play games for the exact same reasons I watch movies & read books - the story. If a game lacks in story - I immediately stop playing it. It may be fun as hell, but that is not what