
@Showmeyomoves!: I'm not saying it should have received a perfect 10. I realize it is full of a few (from my play through perspective {and I've spent a good 40 hrs. playing}) glitches, but the overall experience left me reflecting upon it in a way that a cartoony mario game will never do.

@wintersault: And as an adult, you don't feel that a game should be more than just fun gameplay and great level design?

I absolutely loved this game - definitely the best of the year... sorry ME2

What if no amount of sleep makes me feel rested? I can sleep for 7, 8, 10, 12 hours and I always feel unrested. Getting out of bed in the morning kills me - I feel sore all the time and my eye balls feel like they're going to fall out of my head they hurt so bad.

I got chills when I first entered Mexico and made my way to Choparusa - the soundtrack took a dramatically different turn. I like Jose Gonzalez.

@ttocs: At least you're not seeing cougars coming at you with nothing but your knife drawn...

@supra5mge: Yes - you can replay any of the missions at any time (before or after you complete all the story missions). Just hit start, and select "combat" (I think) and then select the mission. You'll replay it and then be sent right back to where ever you were.

Y rlly tk yr tm n ths, hh Ktk?!?

Running barefoot is a thrilling experience (minus the sore feet afterwards). You truly feel light and fast.

I use bluehost... they rock.

@Grive: If it's fun enough - why are you only spending 5 hours with it?

I've had several studios tell me that their general observation is that "more than 90 percent" of a games audience will play it for "just four or five hours."

Can someone please confirm: will the US be getting a special edition? And if not, why?

@Sloopydrew: Thankfully there is a mute voice option that immediately and quickly mutes everyone.

@Hamster Poop: it is ironic that you criticize me for being close-minded, when you state that games should be limited as a medium purely for fun. That could be said about anything - books are for fun, movies are for fun, theater is for fun, etc. But those mediums are more than that - they incite creative

@Hamster Poop: So your point is that games should cease to improve upon their realism, they should instead halt the bar of progress in terms of graphics and focus on what exactly? More wiimote wiggling? Less realistic story lines?

@Hamster Poop: this, coming from a guy named Hamster Poop.