
@Hamster Poop: consumers like you are the reason that travesties such as the wii exist

this is ridiculous... I played last night with a guy named XXXalittlegirl - and he doesn't get banned???

I'm playing catch up: Finally Beat ME2 last night, now on to Bioshock 2.

wow that was horrible. Thanks.

@Zuldim: I love portal - but you can't argue that there's a deep and engaging story. I mean GlaDOS was amusing, but she's no arch nemesis to be remembered for all time.

@masterbedgood: I'll give it to you for KoToR - that was the one I was hoping would slip by. However, your other examples may be fun games to play - but do they really have engrossing and deep stories? And I'm not talking Michael Bay style story development.


@CaptLtrl: Yeah, see... that's the problem I have with this game all of a sudden. It was originally supposed to be a deep, psychological thriller about a writer. Now it's shine your flashlight and light crazy people/zombies on fire.

@elmorepow: yeah, because there are tits in any of the games mentioned above.

@CaptLtrl: yeah... I meant a game would resonate with adults.

@Vecha: name one truly great game that isn't rated M

I was waaay more excited about this game before I realized it was rated T for children

@Shanfara: small world. Gaming nearly ruined my fine arts degree. I couldn't count the number of classes I skipped and projects I half-assed to stay home and play.

@LucasReis: I find myself compulsively hitting the F5 key over and over again waiting for the next article to appear.

@Shanfara: You hit the head on the nail with the obsession of staring at lists. After I wrote this initial post - I went and spent the next hour revising and dating my games list. I probably spend more time analyzing how I'm going to play, in what order, and when (while at work) than I get the opportunity to do at

So now all Legendary owners are going to be called "Flamers"... that will really add to the maturity level on xbl

@pan1da7: speaking of beta code - I did scamper to buy ODST when I realized that the Reach beta is in 10 days (no BJ's included). Which, by the way is $30 free shipping on Newegg right now for those interested.

I have a very serious topic here... I think I may be addicted to video games.

@TylDurden: Every CL transaction I've done has either been at my house or at the sellers... Just talk to the person on the phone - and you'll get a vibe as to whether or not they're insane...