
@Manly_McBeeferton: you do realize that getting the 7 day survivor achievement requires playing the game for 14 straight hours!

will all you ps3 fanboy whiners please shut up. Dead Rising was an xbox exclusive - why do you care now that a 3 hour "demo" is also? Be happy that you at least get to play the sequel.

Just say they're playing Street Figther IV and button mashing problem solved.

@robosushi: For Real! I love how they click the mouse about a hundred times and then hit a bunch of random keys on the keyboard.

No one states the obvious - clearly it's more efficient to wear skin tight clothing in the future - less air drag.

Bruckheimer, huh.... so that means that there will be intensely retarded music playing throughout the entire film and 10 second cuts in every scene.

@Kovitlac: Thief definitely needs a revival

My prediction: Natal + x360 slim + some type of tangible control... you need some kind of button here or there...

@aronsamma: something must be askew - I can understand pirated pc, but that's too high for console...

Yes, please...

@nauticalland: ps - any one who calls their art dada today is full of shit...

@nauticalland: Well... not to be serious and nodding, but I have a degree in art history and that particular piece was a catalyst for Dadism - a movement in art and literature that turned the art community on its head. In this example, Duchamp simply signed a caste-made urinal - a common ready made object as art.

Not a one of you pointed out that the image at the top is Duchamp's famous Dada piece that first asked the question, "What is art?"

@Gusdor: I do too... that's the sad part. I love how I was nearly finished building my coffee table and then right near the end they show a diagram that says use this type of locking screw, not that... not having realized the whole time that there were different types. I had to go to three different hardware stores

@tornbhc007: In all honesty I'm pretty excited about Bioshock 2's multiplayer aspect. However, I just feel that the tendencies of games are to move towards satisfying an audience that is only being brought in for the multiplayer experience rather than focusing on their core audience who is there for the quality of

@spiegel1: Dante's Inferno with Jesus