
@arkadin13: I doubt many people are getting your Requiem for a Dream reference when they're referring to him as Keith David: From The Chronicles of Riddick!

Will multiplayer be the death of the solo campaign experience? How many games will sacrifice story for multiplayer appeal? What's next? Mass Effect 3: Death Match?

Man I wish I had this much free time!

My only gripe with the elevators was that often you could not hear the dialogue of the other characters. Other than that I did not find them one bit annoying - much better than a loading screen.

@JayUnreal: Yeah - I suppose I'm the same way... I always tell myself I'll play it again but never get around to it.

@UltimaKnight: You're missing the most crucial component... what's the video card?

A friend of mine and I are having a little disagreement.

Tell me - who wants to see an RPG Shooter set in the wild west? Am I alone here?

@arkadin13: This is my top 10 in no particular order because I would anguish over it for hours if I had to choose which is better than the next.

Hey Kotaku - anyone ever called in "sick" so they don't have to play a video game?

@DragonDawn: yeah - it's strange that all media typically comes out on Tuesdays.

now I don't feel so bad every few Tuesdays when I play hookie

@Whizkid103: I wouldn't worry too much about being in a committed relationship with Zevran - he's open to you being with the other ladies in the game and the only character that doesn't get jealous and ask you to "go steady"

@thespence88: very nice... I will definitely add Intel / AMD - can't believe I forgot them...

Ok - I want to try and stir a little debate with a simple question: What little demons inside of us control fanboyism?

@iTravis: that was kind of the point...

Radeon sucks!! Nvidia for Life! Woo!

well at least there's fewer of them than there were of the MW2 boycotters...

so there is no more "climb to the the top of building a, climb to the top of building b, climb..."?