
That's one reason why I was so taken by "Babylon 5". That there are races of beings so incredibly ancient that their very existence became part of the "younger races" myths and legends.

I always loved the "ancient world" trope used in many sf stories: flat, dry, barren landscape, with a thin, cold (yet breathable) atmosphere, a scattering of indecipherable ruins. For me, that always meant a world older than time itself, established an effective mood for the story.

I graduated an engineering a dozen years ago now, but we were almost always allowed to have sheets of formulas and graphing calculators. The thought there was that in the real world you would have access to them and more importantly if you didn't know what you were doing in the first place the sheets wouldn't be much

The movement of the stars over the course o fthe exposure is a dead giveaway that it's a long exposure. A shooting star would happen in a second or two.

You mean *anything* is OK as long as you're a cop. They get away after being filmed murdering someone....

Either/Or is a false dichotomy. Neither option completely replaces the functionality of the other. Smart people realize this and choose based on how they are most likely to use a phone service.

I live in the NE US where winter storms that knock out power are not rare, and the rest of the year at any random time,

You could charge via car battery for the few days power was off pretty easily.

Yo. Down here in Hurricane World, most of us keep a gasoline powered backup cell phone charger in the driveway. Works great when the electric is out for a week or so. It also serves as a temporary backup air conditioning salon when power is out for days. ;)

I wonder if it lets you do full size mobile uploads now instead of horribly small compressed ones

Actually, Brazil's judiciary system and penal procedures are being a bit misrepresented here. Things are way more complex than just "prison terms top out at 30 years". True, 30 years is the maximum time a brazilian citizen can spend in total incarceration, but that only applies to criminals who are considered to be

Lesson here is: Snitches get stitches for talking like b!tches...

You can take "law" out of that sentence, and it still makes complete sense.

we must watch someone react to watching someone else reacting to watching something. Then we can stop and re-evaluate our lives.

This is why we need to radically overhaul the patent process.

Now playing

Well, that was an amusing unexpected WTF thing to watch.

For me this demonstration of "quantum levitation" is awesome. To understand why, let's first look at the most famous Maglev trains in the world. They do NOT work by "quantum levitation". The Shanghai Maglev Train (30 km track in operation) and the Japanese Maglev Train (18 km test track) both use repulsive

Dementia and/or Alzheimer's stole people's faces and his memories of them. At the end he has a lucid moment.


i don't understand the ending... can someone please explain? thx.