
Since he’s not the legal age because he lied, all that means is now it’s all on the mother.

As a gamer I’ve never understood it. I’d rather just play. Its not like sports where you need gear, a place and other people, and watching a game can be an outlet. Just go fire up the game system and you’re doing instead of watching.

His way is childish and anti-social. But my god, when you look at Twitch now it looks like a cam site now lol. It’s pretty pathetic. Both the streamers who do it and the ones who view it.

Not playing is a perfectly reasonable way to play.

Happy to help. And to anyone else, if you see a buffoon running down the road firing a pistol into the air and making noise, it’s me trying to get shot so I can run out and smoke a cigarette. Go for it!

I feel like my role in the world of this game is “generic enemy soldier who dies first as the heroes infiltrate the enemy base” or whatever. The one who gets garrotted from behind by some spec-ops guy without ever having seen anybody. That’s my combat record, more or less

Best Kotaku article I’ve ever read, along with a valuable life lesson.

He should get 20 years for step away Walter Scott was from him when he murdered him in cold blood.

I have two kids. I love my kids.

Ambition and drive are something you either have or you don’t. And if you have it, you can apply it to anything you are passionate about. If Pro Gaming dries up for him, I have a feeling he’ll excel at whatever he decides to do next.

Yes, apparently making a touchscreen intended for children out of soft plastic instead of Gorilla Glass is also a thing.

“Mainstream Gaming Publication”

that isn’t the point. these are professional writers, every hour they spend researching and writing YET ANOTHER meaningless, vapid, OW puff piece is an hour they could have spent on something else.

congratulations Mainstream Gaming Publication, you have successfully covered Overwatch. now can you please move on to something else?

number of days in 2017 so far = 25

Now that I see it, I think developers of games like this should try this out during development. Can you understand the basics of what’s going, recognize the enemy, the various class types, the weapon effects, etc. when you’re playing it on a resolution close to what the 8-bit/16-bit consoles packed? Judging by the

Miami Heat bought a team, what else do you need to be convinced?

What does sitting on your thumb, passing rules that you made up over the internet qualify as?

You have zero respect for history pleab. Turn in your gaming devices. What a disgrace.