
Seems like this article picked up alot of people who do not respect gaming as an activity worth considering anything beyond a hobby. It’s a revolution beyond their comprehension. Thankfully, their the small percentage that no one cares to listen to. Probably do not even follow esports.

You have zero respect for history pleab. Turn in your gaming devices. What a disgrace.

Its pretty polished as far as a game that just hit the market. It has some adjustments that need to be made, but overall its dynamic and super solid. But I would say its only going to get better in the next six months. Looking forward to the first DLC expansion.

Hope to see a twist in the plot line... That always grabs

My question now after hearing about the patch is will there be any penalties for exploiting PC? I know in the past with most games there is a account reset. Or is this more of a development mistake in which no penalties would be issued for the exploit.

I knew about it but didn’t touch it because of this possible