
good luck with that

I binged entire series last this is the first season i have watched normally and it was awful. When i binged I would fast forward all the “what does it all mean?” little chats they had and watched just the non filler scenes. The major problem is they are trying to put what should be 8 episodes into 16..but

aww..look at little recon goon in the history of television..never got any love.

couple behind him..somebody is getting a handee

i didn’t want to add a spoiler..

they even got the teeth right...i’m always annoyed when characters in period pieces have perfect teeth..and man i want a spin off of this show..the adventures of winter...imo winter steals every scene she is in..

I took it a step further..I’m done with all trump voters and anyone associated with aunt loves trump..her kids don’t..i severed all ties with the kids too...both brothers..and friends..gone.. live in a rural area..i sold my business inventory and am moving out west to start it back up out there..let these

Indeed...unless this type of science saves his life one day..or a loved one...then he won’t have a problem with it..once cured by “liberal scientists” he will just give thanks to god...that’s the type of brain we are dealing with here

So some think tank got together and in the brainstorming sesh came up with the idea..”remember when isis murdered all those people in berlin with the speeding truck careening into large groups of people? Let’s do that..but make it legal and call it an accident.” Corporations using isis tactics to protect profits.

I think the biggest reason he won was the bad polling...I know many that didn’t show up to vote because they thought hillary would win easy..Even i almost didn’t vote because she looked so safe...and i’m in minnesota where it ended up real close..In the end many converging factors played a role in his election...the

I grow tired of the celebrity whining..If a celebrity is going to speak out keep it on issues and policy..Go the mark ruffalo route imo.

I checked out for the most part last season after the dumpster i just dvr it and fast forward through the “i live in a terrible world..but my humanity compels me forward” dialog filler junk..i get through an episode in about 15 minutes....Negan hamming again and 20 camera angles of rick facial

I hate my redneck brothers..i havn’t seen them for 10 years..they dont even know where i live..i would change my name to avoid them if i had to...on thanksgiving ill be chilling with friends as they get drunk.. spiral into a hate filled rant that ends with them turning on each other..Everyone always complains about

I laughed when i read his plan..almost none of it will happen..and he knows it..its just masterbation materiel for his army of the dead.

gavin newsome is basically bernie with JFK charisthma

gavin newsome...

If only the babble monster Berman would retire to his cave of echoes.

Today, charlie rose had the dipshit on that “discovered” Justin..he was bragging about how awesome he is for plucking justin out of obscurity ..before i turned the channel I heard my GF say “I hope you fucking die.” to the tv..i might have to marry her now.

I feel bad for her..and wish the best for her..but lets stop pretending she is some kind of great talent..her not making music is a gift to the world.

charisma like ted bundy