
Assuming you are in the US, that is. Sitting for hours drinking a coffee in an establishment is part of the culture in other places.

Good rule of thumb, never come for:

YES! It seems some people don’t understand that this isn’t about those particular women. Why they do it and how they feel about it is a whole ‘nother conversation which also feeds into the dominant theme of this article which is the rampant sexism in motorsports (really our culture in general).

Yeah, I was agreeing with that.

Really? Good to know.

Do some people just not really experience jet lag? I flew from LA to Cyprus last summer, spent the arrival day swimming and traveling and went to bed around 9:30pm Cyprus time (1130am LA) and woke up and felt fine for the rest of the trip.

I enjoy spending a good half hour with a hairdryer or space heater in my bathroom after a really cold ride.

I’ve been wondering about this. My officemates think I’m nuts to be blasting the heat after a 45 minute drive at 45 degrees out. They don’t seem to understand how COLD you get on a bike.

I would be down to contribute too, I ride 200+ miles a week in LA on a scooter. I ask anyone on a motorcycle to come ride with me before making any assumptions. They are generally quite surprised when I out maneuver them in traffic.

I’m not sure Trader Joe’s actually invents much, they make everything BETTER than the original though.

You are not alone!

You don’t have a high deductible plan.

My deductible is $6500 and that is assuming the insurance company won’t fight me on anything that is submitted after that $6500 which I really doubt would ever happen.

It’d be better if men with SONS has these realizations and passed some education on to them honestly. But I never see those ideas in the comments, its always how it affects men with daughters. Your daughters will all learn this shit, believe that. Sons could you some guidance on not being one of the kind of men in the

Nah, they’ll get the hearts in eyes cause “chick on a bike!” Trust me.

Agreed on the “sexy girl on car” thing. For sure.

Hm, having an alternate government of your own in parallel to the actual elected government.

I wonder what watching it with someone who wasn’t born or was really young in the 90s would be like. This was so high school for me so watching it again (and going to see the sequel) is pure nostalgia.

I was there was 2.7 million F1 drivers. More like 2.7 million Uber drivers with Prius who can’t be bothered to pay attention or keep up with the flow of traffic.

That was my thought. People get pulled over for that? lol, not in LA.