Veronica's Pants

I think focusing on feelings might make it difficult for the guy to do anything about- “I feel like she resents me” isn’t anything he can do anything about. Something more like, “I’m kind of uncomfortable that she’s staying in your bed” is reasonable, concrete, and something he can solve easily.

I think you shuold talk about “You know, I feel really insecure and uncomfortable about G” and then talk about your feelings. “I feel like she resents me” (since you don’t know her, the answer here is that you resent her).

Their relationship sounds very unhealthy, like she’s been using him and probably taking advantage of whatever feelings he had for her. Still, if I were you, I would sit back for a bit and watch how he handles putting up boundaries. Give him a chance to take care of it himself, but say something if things don't change

Your feelings are valid. That is very innappropriate behavior. It sounds like your BF will put you first, but you should still share your feelings with your BF and tell him what boundaries you expect him to build. Also, that girl is going to make a play for your BF. She wants to control him. If he is worth your time

I agree with the other posters that you should bring up the subject to share your feelings and hear his, but maybe run through what you plan to say with a friend in advance to avoid an emotional meltdown (I am prone to this problem without rehearsal.)

I would say something if you really like the guy. If she is one of those people who likes to have someone at her beck and call without commitment, she might be bitchy af and try to make you look bad.

Honestly, as someone who has seen this scenario play out a number of times with several friends, I would let sleeping dogs lie for now. Their relationship is his own buisness/mess to take care of, and while I don’t think you’ll come across as crazy and jealous, there’s a really good chance you’ll get caught in the

Yes definitely say something! Best to be honest and if he is a good and decent man he will understand your feelings - because they are completely normal and anyone would feel the same. Am sure if you had that relationship with another guy he would say something? Good luck!!

Definitely say something. If it makes you uncomfortable the relationship won’t ever work. He needs to set boundaries with her. I’ve been there and the possessive best friend can make life miserable. Good luck!

Eesh, that’s a tough one. I think I would have to go with saying something, because she has more “rights” than I think a best friend would - I mean, my best friend stays over too, but not in my bed, on my loveseat, which is hella short even at her height. The last time I slept in a bed with my “best friend” it was

Say something.... it’ll only get worse.