Veronica Jay

That’s the thing though. I’m so sick of it being like “oh you need to be nice to people who don’t know any better.” I understand that people come from different backgrounds. But in the face of ignorance and intolerance, I just don’t understand why I’m supposed to smile and act nice. And in the case of Trump

Also if you’re so considered about hostility, where were you when white men perpetuated a hostile society that subjugated people of color, women, LGBTQ+ people, differently abled people, and non-Christians? Asking for a friend.

I’m so over this argument. I’m not catering to people who actively want to infringe upon my rights as a human being.

::white girl laughs with ethnically mixed girlfriend about it::

I got into it with this troll a few months ago. Not worth it. Though I wonder how the fuck he’s ungrayed but then again the inner workings of kinja bewilder me

Ugh. So over white dudes.

My sister and I were both adopted bc my parents couldn’t have bio kids. All my mom wanted to do was be a mother, and hearing her talk about what she went through trying to conceive is heartbreaking. She ended up having to quit her job because it was so upsetting to her whatthe people things were saying to her at work

The internet can go home now. You just won.

Wait, what?

No you’re right. I could’ve phrased that better. I think what I was trying to say was that it’s an illness that plagued your personality, emotions, and thoughts. So, when I’m sick, I know I’m not thinking rationally, but I also can’t really discern what would be rational so it feels like you are losing yourself. I’m

Yeah, I do think all health information should be treated privately. But mental health is different. I agree it shouldn’t be considered shameful. But mental illness affects the way you behave, your judgment and your emotions. It’s a deeply personal experience in a way that physical illness isn’t. The way I feel about

You’re right that probably more was going on but I also respect her right to lie to the public to protect her personal health information and her dignity. It’s really no one’s business. Maybe it’s just because I have a personal connection to mental illness (clinically depressed) but something about covering

And in so many cities around the country outside of the big 4 metropolitan areas! That to me is maybe an even bigger deal, especially after so much was made that Hillary lost in part for not supporting areas outside of the major cities enough. Tens of thousands of people showed up in states that supported Trump, and

Frankly I hope he was nothing to say about it because he’s too busy talking about actual policy but that seems unlikely.

It is so easy to forget that most people do not support this man or the culture surrounding him. Yesterday was a great reminder of that and made me feel connected to other people in a way I haven’t felt since before the campaigning began.

There was no data service really at the march so it took a full hour after the AP reported that we weren’t marching because there was no actual room to march for word to get around the section I was in (we all thought the rally was just running waayyy over time). So when I heard someone mention that I called my friend

What makes me so happy though is that besides just the marchers in Washington that so many marches in so many cities were so successful. From a distance, I could see how someone could say “yeah maaayybbbeee the media IS just trying to make DC look like a bigger deal because they hate him” but anyone that was marching

I was crying while waiting in line for the metro card (whatever they call it)

Just because Kanye isn’t invited to perform somewhere doesn’t mean he won’t offer up a performance. If there was any time for him to rush a stage...