Veronica Jay

You’re probably right but I would give up everything I own to see Jude Law in a premium cable homo sex scene.

Initially I was like NOOOO BUT I LIKE CENTURY GOTHIC but then was immediately glad I found out about this so I could correct my behavior immediately. So, thanks for the heads up

Oh, it definitely is. I’ve never seen an unclothed flogger at a BDSM club or dungeon, and when I have done scenes privately the bottom being naked is part of the power exchange by increasing their vulnerability. I would say it’s way more typical for the person flogging to be clothed than not.

It wasn’t any better or worse than any other romance movie IMO. As a kinkster I would no more look to a mainstream movie to accurately portray BDSM just like I wouldn’t look to a romantic comedy to give an accurate portrayal of relationships. The acting was pretty on par for a typical romance movie as well. It was fine

I’m also wondering why no one called for help while it was being broadcast

Agreed that FB can’t be privy to every post, nor should they be. But, they are a multi-billion dollar company, and this is a clearly extenuating circumstances. Dedicating a couple of employees to keep searching and deleting it as it comes up isn’t out of their grasp. I understand the nature of the Internet and that it

As a hardcore Springsteen fan I’m hoping and praying there is some way they can’t get clearance to play the songs at that event because the idea of a Springsteen song being played at Trump’s inauguration makes me sick to my stomach

Being an addict or of sound mind is irrelevant in this instance, and I am glad that they didn’t go into it in this article because the real issue is that the definition of a legal abortion in TN is very restrictive and she very likely felt like the legal route was not within her reach:

I though Camille was uber obnoxious season 1 but really redeemed herself in subsequent guest appearances. I wonder though if she is just better in small doses? I do really have empathy for her though and I really do understand why she acted how she did considering what was going on at the time. I saw a special on

Omigod it is killlllling me. It’s soooooo boring. I also wish Dorit realized that constantly berating Erica because her husband couldn’t stop staring at her crotch makes her husband look like a total lecherous creep

Christian Slater reacting is my reaction to basically everything

I am constantly forgetting how dedicated trolls are to things that are horrible for other people yet have absolutely no bearing on their (troll) life.


Oh my god, I know, right? My stomach actually felt queasy when I saw how many he had. He’s one of the few people who is just objectively and inarguably a terrible human being. Full stop. I really felt like I had to look away from his Twitter immediately. It made me very uncomfortable. I cannot imagine what


Whenever anybody starts talking about the “pussification” I can’t help but laugh. If we are going to talk about weak genitals, pussies aren’t it. You so much as look at a dick wrong and guys are doubled over in pain. Pussies were made to birth children. So pussifying America will only result in strengthening it.

Yes! I just waded through a war about checks in the upper comments hoping someone had posted this!

I’ve been behind people at big chain stores writing checks, and it’s actually pretty simple now bc all the person has to do is write the check and the cashier feeds it through the machine and it fills it out for them. It doesn’t take much more time than the new chip cards do

I do when I have to pay my therapist/hair stylist/landlord and it’s 2 days before pay day and I need to buy myself time for the transaction to clear through my account. So yeah, adults.

Yeah he’s been pretty obsessed with Kim since before she was married to Kris Humphries.