
I teach comp and honestly, I think the pathos in this case is in the facts rather than the wording. It would be very odd to say something like “while it got dark out.”

I’m by no means an expert (I am not a teenager or a girl) but I think the best thing you can do is let her know you love her and you’re there for her and that it gets better.

Interesting, that heightened the tragedy for me. Because it made it so vivid for me.

Yeah it’s made even worse by the fact that she’s been depressed for a while because she was the first girl in her class to develop which was made worse by the fact that she became quite well endowed over the summer. According to her and her teachers no one is bullying her per say but she’s different and i’m a bad dumb

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Jesus... that’s horrible. You can’t unsee some things and that description was enough.

Is this what the youths are into now-a-days? I don’t get it (cue the movie “Big”)

Exactly the same here! I sometimes lightly feel like I should almost be apologetic when I do have to bring up that I don’t eat meat, and that feels so sad to me.

I experience the same. I believe it’s challenging those who don’t do anything and they have guilt over it. Rather than self reflect or change, the best defense is an offense.

Yeah, I’ve been a vegetarian for over 15 years and I’ve never criticized anyone for their choice for diet, yet I’ve dealt with a fair range of criticism from passive aggressive remarks to openly rude. One year I brought a Tofurky to a huge Thanksgiving party and everyone felt completely fine shitting on it in front of

I am honestly shocked I got this right

I know someone who considers herself vegan - but eats chicken eggs from her backyard sanctuary. She doesn’t have a rooster, so otherwise the eggs would be wasted. She doesn’t get many, and when the hen stops laying it has a cushy life and she doesn’t purposefully go out and get more hens so she can have eggs. I feel

You are literally packed to the gills with horse bones

it’s so funny b/c vegetarians and vegans (or anyone with ethically-based food restrictions) have this reputation for being super strident and loud about their views but I always found it to be the exact opposite. I went out of my WAY to not bring it up because people liked to argue with me about it. I genuinely hated

I think it’s optional and you should be using your whale oil for making french fries and fried clams and oysters anyway. Delicious. You can really taste the endangered.

This is interesting to me because I became pescatarian in the last year for moral reasons and people like to pick fights about it with me too. Some along the same lines as your skittles example, and others like “But you don’t care about the FISH?!!”

That’s not entirely true. The meat from animals raised for their fur is not typically consumed by humans (the reasons we will eat the flesh of certain animals but not others is endlessly fascinating to me), but it is often sold to make pet food and fertilizer, among other things (mink oil, for example, is used in

I’m definitely opposed to fur but there is really nothing worse than how pigs, empathetic, intelligent creatures, are treated by us.

It was a joke.

He’s more of a so-so-ciopath