
I'm more of a Parks and Rec fan. I've actually only seen a few episodes of Community, but I plan on watching them sequentially and all at once.

lolwut? this is literally the first I've heard of that. I don't know anything about it! Also, I didn't host the European version of Qore.... so yes, I'm mostly confused.

That's hard to answer, because I haven't spent a ton of time with an Android device recently. I liked the HTC One X when I played with it.

Goodreads, probably! I spend a lot of time there.

There are other Gizmodo editors?!?!

Another Earth

I don't follow the basketballs, sorry. Go UConn?

Simplenote and Notational Velocity. For big writing, I use Scrivener.


Skyrim. Oh, wait.

All of them. But especially animal noises.

I love DoNotTrackMe,, Honey, KeepMyOptOuts, and

I wish I wasn't so attached to my phone at this point, but I don't know if that's going to change. My Kindle brings the most joy to me, I think. I love having all my books at my fingertips.

I was a podcast producer for, and after a while I started co-hosting one of the shows I was editing and recording. That lead to my boss asking if I wanted to write and produce some of my own video content for CNET TV. That's where it all started!

It never gets boring, that's for sure! Hangouts are the easiest, but they all have their plusses and negatives. This is my first real TV experience, and the production was huge! Way bigger, of course, than most of the web content I shoot.

I'm so confused.

It's a lot better now that I'm in PT! It's also tied to some back and neck issues. Definitely get your chair set up properly, I think that was my biggest problem. You can even have people come to your house and do it for you, if you work from home! It's not worth going through agony later.

It's also like, at 30, I hope I can afford some more disposable razors.

I've been wanting to try that one where you can sharpen disposable razors on a pair of jeans.
