
Ninja Theory is a 1st party studio for Microsoft, so it will be on PC 

This makes me think of an early episode in It’s Always Sunny” as something Mac would say.

Now playing

Microsoft has definitely been investing in steaming:

All well and dandy, but the League Office tends to side with the owners and would never implement something like this

I feel like I read somewhere that Xbox refused because Sony’s online kept getting hacked or something. But it was also because they were on top

Xbox had the only reliable online access for two generations, while Sony finally figured it out late in the PS3's lifespan. This generation is the first that all the major consoles have good, mostly secure, online play

I thought that crowd was flippin terrible. Sure the people on stage (not Andrew W.K., but the developers) begging for applause was just so cringe-worthy, but that crowd just wasn’t reacting to anything!

I hope you enjoy it. I’ve loved it so far, still in the middle of my first playthrough (just picked it up recently). Excellent with headphones too

I liked Microsoft’s better. Too many cringe moments in Bethesda’s

Nah I think both these games are being built for next gen machines. A couple years ago Todd Howard had said that TES:6 wasn’t close because the technology wasn’t there yet. I’m thinking Starfield and TES:6 are being built on new engines and will be launch titles for next gen

I feel like the only reason they threw in that nugget as because they were releasing The Elder Scrolls: Blades. If they just released Blades with NOTHING about TES:6 people would have raged pretty hard

I have plenty of friends (cries) that play games, and we talk about them often. But we rarely play together, at the same time, even the same game. I feel like the only friends I can rouse to play only ever play Fortnite.

I’m pretty thankful my DM was flexible for the story. The first time I played, we were a few sessions deep into a campaign and one of our friend’s died. None of us had ever played before (expect the DM who’s a veteran) and we weren’t sure how we’d take it. She critical failed her first save.

It’s all just water under the bridge in the end, right?

Looks white and gold to me.... wait

Camera freezes on Rick mid fist bump, dimly fades as credits scroll by, cue The Touch

Dude, you said yourself you checked out at episode 3. Don’t go around telling people what the narrative says when you don’t even know the narrative itself:

Yeah I mean these allegations are no joke and should be taken seriously, but if she told her friend to hold back a bit then it’s kinda a back stabbing move. Then again, Melisa made a post about it (with less serious accusations, but still brought it to light) on her own. IDK, but it’s a shitty situation and I can

Not for another 2 years...
