Mr. Orlove:
Mr. Orlove:
I was gonna take Tesla private, but then I got hiiiiiigh
Someone told her not to worry about the car catching fire since she’d be underwater on her loan.
I’m glad she was safe in the seat belt because if she was zip-tied to the roll cage and you had rolled you could have flipped the bird!
Canada: one person gets a wee bit embarrassed, police put out a PSA
No arguments here, that’s one big trunk.
You can’t get a manual in the car.
Robots and automation require skilled technicians and engineers to setup and maintain, albeit far fewer employees than would be required without the automation. We’re doing our best to prevent this scenario and keep old school manufacturing jobs around by gutting our education system. You can’t engineer automated…
She would just buy UPS
Yeah, but what are the rest of you guys doing? Happy Fireworks Day.
Loud, old, heavy, controlled by racists....I'll buy that (pun intended).
There is a certain sad poetry in the idea that the motorcycle brand that embodies all of America’s worst tendencies is poised to be stabbed in the back by the president that also embodies all of America’s worst tendencies.
Looks like it became