
Holy cow! That proves that bigger is better.

The Model Eh?

there’s no problem that can’t be fixed with explosions.

Before or after Brexit?

Are you sure that truck isn’t actually complicit in human trafficking? That Mustang probably smelled a crowd but couldn’t quite find them.

Kinda like this poor dog:

That looks extraordinary. In a league of its own. A fine automobile for fine gentlemen.

You either die an automotive legend or live long enough to see yourself become just another European.

About five miles into the drive, Neally felt something stiffen in his abdomen. At first, he thought it was a pulled muscle. Then it got worse, snaking upwards from his stomach until it felt like “a steel pole through [his] chest.”

oh my god fucking enough. Take it to Gawker, or reddit, or anywhere that gives a fuck about politics. This is Jalopnik.

You’re not clever, you’re not cute, you’re not poignant, you’re just another annoying mouthbreather who doesn’t actually have anything to contribute to the discussion. Nobody here gives a fuck who

It shocking how so many people on this page is cursing the skateboarder, it’s as if being a rich asshole driving like an asshole is above reproach just cause he drives a car they will never be able to afford.

Are you sure you didn’t already pick up the car and upload leave it at your other house, ‘Kevin Flynn’ ?

This makes me both sad and angry. My heart goes out to the victims and their families.

It’s like it just kept rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ rollin’