
Is this article click Bathin?

I was pulled over by a cop in Ontario because my car didn’t have the mandatory front license plate.

6am in the middle of January. It’s pitch black outside and I’m driving in the carpool lane while being alone. There is a small hill with an intersection just after. As I get near the intersection, someone decide to flash a light in my eyes while standing almost in the middle of the road. I’m going 70km/h, I don’t have

Free cheese fondue and they waste it with water :(

1st- I wonder if the guy ended up paying for his gas. Most of it ended up on the ground.

I’m not sure if this fits or not.

I’ve seen a few around Gatineau / Ottawa. I got caught a few time mixing them up. See a VW in the other lane with the typical red stripe of the GTI, only to notice the trunk as it passes by lol.

Good thing we have this guy to help. He know s a thing or 2 about drill.

The street were almost empty and then suddenly hundred of people show up.

There is actually a recall on these fuel pump right now on some Golf. I know mine is affected. If you got your fixed and it’s part of the recall, you should be able to claim the repairs as long as you still have the bills for it.

That’s because it’s missing the reflectors that is mandatory in most places. Beside that there really is nothing preventing it from being used on a road.

Well the car is dark and in the sun... that hood is probably pretty warm. lol

ah so it’s just bad editing of the video then.

What the hell happens at 4:07? Something just drops from the sky and then traffic light falls without being touched.

This is for the US case only? She probably won’t be able to answer question about the Canadian case I assume?

Now playing

They found the guy a bit further up north ;)

Will, can you explain how the car can be 40k USD and still be only 40K CDN? At normal exchange rate USD should be 29k (or 53k CDN)

If it makes any difference, the $40k is in Canadian dollars. It’s closer to $29k US. Not sure why it wasn’t mentioned in the review though.