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Butt stuff is not anal sex. Many many many times more people enjoy butt stuff which is not necessarily anal sex.

I don't see any comparison between the introduction of water charges and show me a hero. You are wildly off the mark there.

I'm just saying to me sex is mostly just ultimately sex. She is 17 or 18 or whatever and while I wouldn't personally do it I'm not a huge fan of moralizing. We've decided as a society that at 17 women have enough maturity to have sex with whoever they want.

Yeah unless they have some great plan for her she should have got a bullet in the base of the head almost immediately.

I don't really see how having sex with her is any worse than exploiting her without sex. I mean she is over 17 so she is over the age of consent. We've sorta decided as a society that's fair game.

I mean she isn't that young. 16 would be creepy, 18 isn't really.

You get the feeling that Phillip and Stan genuinely like and respect each other. I mean Philip has been to a number of the EST sessions with Stan now.

I'm assuming you are snob with very little taste who buys into brands and mythos to an almost unbelievable degree. Black bush is an excellent, consistent and affordable blend which is obviously is the entire point of blended whiskey. I'd rather something enjoyable instead of something "challenging" which is a rough

Bushmills black bush is one of the best deals in world whiskey. I could drink that stuff forever and it's good stuff. I think whiskey is bullshit tbh.

Skinny and pretty enough? If she has a decent personality she would be sexy as fuck.

Quite pretty.

I'm Irish and not a big whiskey drinker but I do know some things. Scotland is full of shit when it comes to whiskey and their "tradition" is a load of bollix. Irish whiskey is pretty much always a triple distilled blend especially back in the 1980s when we had no market access.

They are all professionals, it's just work. I know I have to blackmail you and you know I have to blackmail you so lets just stay professional.

So is the end game that they either defect or Philip betrays Elizabeth to protect there children?

Robery Sheenan, need I say more?

Love hate is shite.

Yeah, I'd go with Northern Irish tbh.

Northern Ireland is most accurate but Ireland is perfectly fine.

ah here mate, it's definitely part of Ireland. They should have said Northern Ireland to be more delicate but Northern Ireland is certainly part of Ireland.

Calling the fall "Irish" is going to upset a few nordies, better to call it Northern Irish.