Verdog ~ manual Bro, Bro - HellHawk Equipped

I mean Jeep’s been putting Hellcate engines in Grand Cherokee’s since like 2016.

However, the gunmaker also made the military version of that firearm, known as the M17/M18, available to consumers, and after reviewing the holster’s design it was determined that it could “interfere with the mechanical fire safety switch of the M17/M18" so it’s being officially recalled as a precautionary step.

It moves 600,000 bbls/day, it leaked 5000bbls

....and? Sorry.... This is RAPE.

I hand over all my records.... Never contact me. Never thought about them being handed over, only CPO documents.

because i’m short af

well its a spark controlled compression ignition. you can’t just leave words out.

It all sounds cool, but if it needs a spark to ignite the fuel/air is it really “compression ignition”?

Sorry, left the double line. HIS fault. They did to, ticket for them. In that order.

That’s because saran is Satan. Have you ever tried to fuck with the shit when you’re trying to tear it out of the box and THEN try to use it on the container you’re trying to cover?

Remember, when loading your vehicle, heaviest stuff goes on top. Gravity gets weaker with respect to distance away from the earth so the higher up it is, the less it weighs. Its science

Well I set that one on fire sooooo........

This, everyday, this.

So you are who I’m supposed to damn to Prius hell?


I would like to thank Jalopnik and Chris Perkins for this award. Being No.1 is special.

Where have I seen this before....

Does anyone else realize that she left her baby in the freaking car?

This is what i suggested in his last column.