
Why is Apple not in the running? They would get my vote.

Or just not drive, if you've been drinking. Like have the car park somewhere so you can nap or call a cab.


As soon as I have a Dr Pepper faucet in my house, school, and workplace, I'll be onboard with your idea.

Exactly me.

My feet are actually hands.

I have this weird thing going on in my head where I care about people other than myself. It makes me want the massive companies providing our nation's food supply at great prices to stay in business and keep providing millions of jobs to people in our country instead of going out of business because people would

I can beat you at any game you choose. Except I won't prove it.

Shots fired.

"I don't like cities, but I like New York. Other places make me feel like a dork"

I've never understood the theory of "shop locally." Why should I care more about the people trying to earn a living in my town vs the people trying to earn a living at an amazon warehouse? Or in another town?

The government taking less of amazon's money from them via tax break somehow equals them taking money from us? Seems to me like it's just the government taking less of amazon's money from them.

When you once the entire did you also the not stopping? Or was it more of a situation where you made a and it? I'd just like to know because my cousin is

I know this is old, but I was looking for a review of 400 Days and saw your comment, just wanted to clear something up. The humans (not zombies) in the Walking Dead are all infected. And they will turn in to zombies when they die whether they are bit or not, so there is no way to kill all zombies and end the outbreak.

Couldn't agree more. One of my favorite games.

I'm in the market. What did you get?

Maybe someday men will be so disinterested in women because of video games that women will actually start to do all of the things that men used to do for them just to get our attention. Hold doors for us, buy us flowers, let us in to the car, follow us up stairs, walk on the outside of the sidewalk, etc.

Thank you! I am going to try this. My wife/friends all love Catan, but I haven't been able to play it lately because every time we do, I camp on 6's and 8's and they never get rolled. It's just so frustrating to know that your strategy is the most sound and to have it fail because the game is so luck/dice driven.

My game group plays like this:

Dammit! Welp, at least I only have to wait a month... :( :( :(