
If every video game had "Obama sux lol" on the splash screen when you launched the game, would that make it okay?

Considering there are other ways to find weapons that are less invasive, don't use radiation, and are more effective, (mm wave scanners, which are in use at PDX, for example) I think your comment is a moot point.

No, I'm saying that people shouldn't pretend they understand things they don't.

Try defining assault rifle. Are you just talking about hunting rifles with black plastic instead of wood? Because that's what most people think an assault rifle is.

So all sports involving shooting don't count or don't exist? I have 4 guns. Are you telling me I'm doing it wrong because I'm not using them to shoot living things? Am I not using them for their intended purpose?

So then lets ban baseball bats, which are used in more violent crimes than guns are in this country.

You know what would have stopped the shooting sooner and saved lives? One teacher with a handgun and a couple of rounds of ammo.

I'll put this in terms of zombie killing so as to remain politically correct.

We be the maturest.

Name calling is so mature.

Is this really any worse than the ForceFX lightsabers?

Wait how to bike riders pay for the roads they ride on?

I think Apple is bad company and I won't buy their products. I don't think the iPhone is a bad phone. It's too locked down for my tastes, but I can see how it's great for some people.

I accidentally opened the google+ app on my phone the other day and decided to click around. I was blown away at how much more polished it is than the facebook app. WTF is facebook doing? The Android app is still really just a web browser used exclusively for facebook. I've been noticing how horrible and dated the


Totally. In my firearm safety classes, they never actually talked about safety. Only how to hit moving targets and reload while people were shooting back at me.

I own 4 guns. Two were handed down to me from my father, the other two I purchased myself. I don't use them to kill people. I use them to shoot skeet and targets because it's fun. Are you telling me that I am using my guns incorrectly by not using them for their "sole purpose?"

I missed my opportunity. I should have asked if it was okay to carry spaghetti in your pocket with the intention of using it as a weapon.

You can't carry a gun around here with the intent to use it as a weapon, either.

So if guns were banned before the revolutionary war and we lost, could someone who lost a family member explain to me why I live in a country that never achieved freedom and it's because they had a problem with something that kills less people every year than the cars every person gets to drive at age 16?