I have been holding out on upgrading to LED lightbulbs in my house since this announcement a few years ago. If we don't see anything this year, I'm just going to start upgrading...
I have been holding out on upgrading to LED lightbulbs in my house since this announcement a few years ago. If we don't see anything this year, I'm just going to start upgrading...
You wouldn't believe the demons some people have to live with because of a murder, a suicide, an overdose, etc and all of those things are perfectly acceptable in games.
And now we have come full circle as Dragon Age 2 was simply Mass Effect: Middle Earth in my eyes.
Replace almost all of these terms with "Smoke" and we'll be talking.
Every year, new porn will be released that's really just the same porn as the year before with different backgrounds.
Why does everyone here ruin their bacon?!?!?!?! Bacon is good soft. Only. Otherwise you are burning/ruining it.
I can play GW2 for 20 minutes and have fun doing it. Quitting after 20 minutes doesn't feel "wrong" in any way. The wonderful world is right there waiting for you when you get back.
Try selling a game like the original Mario for $60 bucks alongside GW2 and see what happens. Just because it's old doesn't mean it's bad. It just means that it's old. I still love Mario 1-3, but I wouldn't pay $60 for them when a game like GW2 exists for the same price. Same thing goes for WoW. It is outdated. The…
This is what I have been using for a couple of years now and I love it. Every time I see a thread like "make your own home theater screen out of pantyhose and toilet paper!" I cringe a little. Do-able board, a little molding, and some black velvet and you've got a perfect screen.
I plan to complain about no longer being able to upload a picture to a folder of my choosing on every giz article about this app until it's fixed. Why would they have taken that functionality out? They need to make it so everything can be done from mobile. I don't want to have to switch devices just to do things that…
My butt has a more responsive D-Pad than the xbox 360.
YES! That and the fact that half the time when I click a picture it won't load at all. It's especially fun when there's something in the picture that is cropped out for the preview, so I'm left sitting there wondering. And I hate wondering.
I wonder if you can upload pictures to a certain folder now or if they all still just go where facebook wants them.
How many people would you guess accidentally bought a Samsung Tablet thinking it was an iPad?
I played it on xbox at PAX last year. It feels pretty similar. I've been playing the beta for a while now and I think I'll be buying it on PC when it comes out, though I may wait to see where more of my friends pick it up.
So Giz reported a couple of weeks ago that Google Wallet was available on Google Play for Verizon users with a GNex. Was even a single person able to download it? I wasn't. I'm curious if they just made it up? Or maybe they forgot they had Sprint? It definitely still isn't there.
Why is the word rape so bad compared to murdering people?
I got stuck in a Boa boot when I was trying it on once. I sat there in the store for 45 minutes while they tried to get me out. I swore I would NEVER buy one after that.
I love the placement of the power button on the Xoom. And the power button on the right side of the Galaxy Nexus is fantastic.