
This, this, this, a thousand times this. No fireworks and explosions, nothing flashy, just real driving with the best physics of any rally game to date. Honest to God I have been playing that game constantly lately.

My N64 died on me a couple weeks ago :( It started resetting itself whenever it got bored of watching me play tetris.

I'd like a 2DS please. I want to play Ocarina of Time but I don't want to pay for 3D I will never turn on kthxbai

But when your patents are on things that are completely necessary for competition to exist, there is a problem.

Greed is what leads to lawsuits against all of your competitors over bullshit patents in an attempt to get your competitors punished for competing with you. Greed, in this instance, is anti competitive bullshit.


I'd give her a green bean and two raisins.



Also OEMs that have Google Apps on their devices pay Google.

We do have to consider the fact that a little Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla have little itty bitty tires which distribute their weight much less than large SUV tires do. With a huge contact patch, it's possible for an SUV or a truck to exert less weight on the road per square inch than small cars with small tires. The

The worst pies in London...

No Ice Cream Sammich = No deal

I can think of reasons equal to the number of glass panes on this house why it would be bad to have a kegger there.

Which video?

teh is the new the.


Same exact boat. My wife and I got the DInc on launch day. She isn't even convinced she wants the Nexus yet. She (and I) are both still completely in love with our DIncs.

I'm with you on that. I love the cereal but the marshmallows ruin it!

I'm pissed the camera installer got to go up on the torch and I will never be allowed to.