
1) Not the best person to answer this one, but as far as I know, with root you can have special processor profiles. For example, I have a profile set up so that when my screen is turned off, my processor is underclocked to 1/4 it's normal speed. You can also set your processor to be aggressive with it's speed or more

I had actually downloaded a game called "PvZ" from the Android Market like a year ago. I don't think it's on there any more, as it was literally an illegal copy of Plants Vs Zombies (ported from iOS I'd imagine) but I do still have it on my phone. Love that game.

I was doing a hard challenge on Brink last night and I found myself reloading every couple of seconds. Sometimes I would hit the reload button right after I reloaded. It's been the death of me way too many times. I'll kill a guy and then die by another while reloading.

I do this one too. I think it goes back to my Counterstrike days. Whenever I spawned, I would run along hitting Q, Q, Q, Q, Q, Q, Q to switch between my knife and pistol. I noticed a lot of other people did it too. It was either that or repeatedly knifing the person in front of me.

I do this one too, looking straight up or straight down and walking in circles (I use high-sensitivity so my circles are usually fast) looks really funny when a teammate sees it.

I do that too! Then I'm all pissed off at the end because I didn't use any of the awesome stuff. Sometimes If my ammo on a good weapon is full (crossbow in half life) and I find more ammo, I will go off and kill some dudes with it then go back and grab the extra ammo to fill up again.

I do this too! I put like 100 hours in to Blue Dragon and never got off the first disc! Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. Grrrr

"That's what she said" is still funny to me...

"Will Viagra Condoms Convince Men to Use Rubbers?"

Battlefield fanboys remind me of Apple fanboys in a thread about Windows. The world is never going to give as much of a shit about your game as they do Call of Duty. Quit crying about it every time anyone posts anything about Call of Duty ever.

I find it buggy too. It's not very smooth. I get a lot of force-closes. Browser does it a lot. I find I have to restart my Xoom every few days to keep it working properly.

I'm not one to brag...

Apple doesn't do OTA updates? WTF is this, 2009?

You can also put blanks in a gun. Or a casing with no powder.

Technically they aren't deleted until they are written over.

>The $850 Omni-Heat Circuit Breaker Softshell, out in October, does what it says

At some point you are going to take into account the distance the viewer is from the screen, right?

Is this going to be different than the video calling features with google talk on Honeycomb?

Nice to see someone from my side speaking up on giz!