
@knightvash: Sometimes a brother just likes the feel of oak on his sack.

The Sack Pincher!

@nbergseng: I don't know anyone with an iPhone who has an iPhone without a case. Between being made mostly out of extremely breakable glass and the fact that you still have to have a bumper on it to get reception, I can't say I blame them. Guess what though? My phone is now thinner, more comfortable to hold, and

@tosk05: That is what I thought. Gizmodo's next article will say "After we saw the presentations about dinosaurs being discovers in australia, time-travel being invented by a salamander, the moon being made completely out of eggs, and Al Gore's bodily warming reversing swan migration, we saw THIS:

@FiveLiters: I usually look in a a mirror when I talk on my phone so I can see how pretty it is.

@ePrometheus: Oh so I did what every other person here did and expressed my opinion? My humble apologies for pointing out the humor in Apple nerds seeing two identical things and saying the one without the Apple logo is hideous while they're rubbing the other one on their wienus.

@nachobel TOTORO!: I don't get it? What is there to get? They are almost identical, but the Samsung isn't 50% bezel by area.

@RuckingFetard: The iPhone has a giant logo on the back of it. What's the difference?

The world according to giz commenters.

@Almightywhacko: When I went from a huge Sanyo flip-phone and a Treo to a thin phone, my pants suddenly felt a lot better. Having a brick in your pocket is not fun. I can't even tell my Incredible is in my pocket most of the time.

@Jeb_Hoge: I'm the same way. I guard it more closely than my wallet. The only way anyone would get ahold of my phone is if they took it from my nightstand, and even then, good luck getting anywhere near that while I'm in the room.

@RacecarBoobTat: I always make sure to run my thumb across my screen after I do an unlock gesture for that exact reason. At least with gestures you can move it's location and size so you aren't always doing it in the same spot.

Or get Cyanogenmod and get the best lock screen of all!

@lizon: My voicemail is the least of my worries if someone gets my phone. 7 years of gmail messages and a ton of text messages would be my biggest worries. Someone could completely own me if they got ahold of my phone and got it unlocked somehow.

@timgray: Isn't drip coffee more potent than espresso drinks?

Happy Holidays! I am 26, so I had an Atari and a Commodore pretty much since I was born, but the first time a video game felt like it was MINE and I really got to bond with it was when I got my first NES. Can't remember what year it was, but I'm assuming it was shortly after it came out because my dad wanted it too.

@jcnaquin: I bring my netbook so I can keep my Incredible charging on it during the flight.

Am I the only person on the planet who doesn't mind Google Checkout? I click purchase, then I click okay, then I click install. It's easy.

@countjackula: Is that guy seriously smoking a cigarette and not wearing a helmet? He is way more awesome than I could ever hope to be.

@commander_k: Because they are evil, mostly. Also because I'm an open-source fan and a big fan of the internet and they're trying to kill both. Also because Steve Jobs is a giant douche-cake. Mostly because I don't like their business practices, though.