@verditsgerman: making
@verditsgerman: making
@verditsgerman: you
@verditsgerman: are
@WookieLifeDay: Why
I will never switch to another browser until I can type the letters GI and hit enter and be taken to gizmodo. Auto-complete in the address bar sealed the deal for me. Every time I use Firefox or IE, I end up doing a google search for GI or LI or GE because I am too used to Chrome.
@archercc: I don't like the idea of going ad-free because those ads are how these companies bring us all of these awesome apps for free, but Angry Birds has the most annoying ad placement and I can't see when to drop the egg-bombs when they are behind a stupid ad, so I think I have no choice but to go ad-free now. Is…
@caldweab: So uh. Who won the war? Is it Microsoft with it's what? 90% market share?
@xhedgehogx: I ordered those for my wife and me, but hers (a small) came the correct diameter, but about half of the normal length. Like it's a belly shirt when it is not meant to be. WTF?
@Robert Anhalt: lmao
@Hello! My name is Anonymous: I see what you did there.
@Hearthatvoiceagain says Andy has arrived: /jealous
@caldweab: Did people say things like this with computers at some point? Like "Apple sells more computers than Dell sells Inferioron 22389 Model 6 class DR1's!" at some point? Or did they all just go "Yep, Windows kicked the crap out of Macs..."?
@zuberio: My in-laws both have iPhones and they have no idea how to work them.
@crisss1205: Did people say things like this with computers at some point? Like "Apple sells more computers than Dell sells Inferioron 22389 Model 6 class DR1's!" at some point? Or did they all just go "Yep, Windows kicked the crap out of Macs..."?
@hextall5hole: Doesn't *228 just update your roaming capabilities? I've never had to do it and I've installed like 10-15 different ROMs on my Incredible.
@CaptainJack: Apple offers only a premium appearance. iOS is no better an operating system at this point, and actually lags behind Android in a lot of places (not syaing Android doesn't lag behind in just as many areas). Soon enough, they will have a smaller app store to boot. Apple will have to fall back on their…
@wjbean: I saw an interview where they went to his house. He and his wife share a car (cheap honda or something like that) and their house is really small and I believe they are renting it.
@FauxReal: He's his own grandpa!
@Chewblaha: They've made huge improvements to the ink since our grandpas got tattoos in the navy. It stays put much better now.
@trunkenmath: My dad just got his first tattoo when he was 63. He just never had a reason to previously. You still have time.