
Interesting how all of the people who hate the "If you don't like it, find another job" argument are the same people who love the "If you don't like it, don't fly" argument.

@peasant slayer: They're already profiling. Might as well just make it official. Seems like it would be less insulting to those being profiled against. Don't like it? Don't fly! Isn't that what the TSA's new slogan is?

@Geisrud: But they aren't the TSA, I think is the point. Enough of the airports switch to someone else, the TSA suffers as a result, and losing a ton of customers is a pretty good reason to change your protocols.

Meebo on Android was giving me partial wake usage over 90% and was absolutely destroying my battery.

@KefkaticFanatic: Which is why I'm flying to Salt Lake City in a couple of months and then driving home. I'm sure next year I will have to drive both ways.

@ps61318: Cheese ass. GENIUS.

@blyan-reloaded: How many people is google suing again? And when was the last time they tried to beat the competition by any means other than making better shit than them?

@blyan-reloaded: Apple's version of an arms race is suing everyone who makes better phones than they do so that improvement isn't necessary.

Is it not just a bar of plastic?

@OMG! Ponies!: "Searches conducted at the United States border or the equivalent of the border (such as an international airport) may be conducted without a warrant or probable cause subject to the "border-search" exception. Most border searches may be conducted entirely at random, without any level of suspicion,

@dracosummoner: I'd like to suggest you get the first game and play through it for the story. It isn't as good as the second, but climbing shit is pretty fun either way. Just ignore the side quests in the first one, do the 9 assassinations, get the story out of it, and then play through the second one completely. You

@Live N Learn: I've said in about 50 other fucking posts my views on this. I don't give a shit if they are stored. I'll send you a blurry picture of my nads if you want it. I really don't give a shit.

I'm just envisioning the huge lines at the grocery store while some of the less tech-savvy *coughOLDcough* people are fiddle-farting trying to open apps and doing everything wrong but then blaming the phone and refusing anyone's help.

@pz: WAT

@Live N Learn: Yeah man you've got no idea about anything at all.

@Novaload: Do you have a link to the teenager research? Not arguing, really curious to see that, as this has been fueling my rage for 3 days and I WANT MOAR

@FriarNurgle: This should be shown to all of the people who say "I don't care if someone touches me."

@zpcrash: Then it's just a normal search without probable cause, which is even worse, considering it's a strip search.

@theminimalist: United States v. Aman, 624 F.2d 911, 912-13 (9th Cir.1980) (holding that to conduct a strip search, the authorities must have a "real suspicion" that the person is smuggling contraband and that "real suspicion" is "subjective suspicion supported by objective, articulable facts")