
@brijazz: Chevrolet is a brand. Silverado is a single model under that brand. How is that hard? And if Apple fanboys are so smart, why can't they figure out how to use a volume button to take a picture? iAaaaaaah my iHead just exploded that was so complicated.

@Helvetica: It's the letter i. It's not a superpower. I'd think at this point, people are pretty tired of iEverything. It reminds me of the 90s. It's old, it's tired, and every iCompany is selling shitty iProducts.

@MacAttack: Oh like the 5-million lawsuits Apple currently has out against everything in the world? I mean really, if you want to be pissed at people suing Apple, then sure, let your fanboyism run wild. But at least acknowledge the fact that Apple would sue your grandma if she accidentally spelled iPod in her

@tenazrael: Good call. Perhaps I should take the high-road like you. But it's so much more fun to argue with people who think that civilian rights are the only rights in this country.

@ACreator_PT: Equal rights for who? Certainly not for the companies that are forced illegally by the government to do massive projects that cost them billions of dollars that they will never get back, right?

@ianoo: It's the governments responsibility to tell a giant company that they HAVE TO do something that is going to cost them a fuckton of money?

Wow. This article is the first step towards me not reading Giz anymore. I mean what the fuck? I am a proud libertarian, and last I had heard, Gizmodo was supposed to report the gizmo news of the world to me. Not mock my political party and tell me how I should feel about political news. How about you stick to the

@ALT: Aaaaand my mind is blown.

Anyone else tried Camera360? It's got a tilt shift mode and a bunch other things. I have fun with it.

@EnochLight: Maybe someday you'll get the giant pile of apps that Apple has banned but Android has not.

@conman577: Couldn't agree more. I just want the blades back. Or even something like PS3 has. Dashboard is way too jumbled and after using it for a long time, I still get lost as all hell.

@OCEntertainment: Thank you for that. You should be writing for Giz.

@ALT: No way! When someone says "it's too late" they mean "peanut butter dolphin stegasaurus!"

@AreWeThereYeti: HA! You must have not played with an Android phone since 1925. I've had my Incredible since launch day and have yet to have any program lag. They open instantly.

@kingj0ey: Name one thing IOS does better than Android. GO!

@JRod37: I wouldn't even give them as low as an 8. I'd probably say perfect 10. They are trying to do what is best for the user. They have not done anything to show otherwise at all that I can think of. Just because some of their ideas fell through, they still put the money in to R&D to give you something new for

@syncrety: IOS4 isn't allowed on the iPad or iPod Touches yet? Time to buy a new device!