If you like history stuff like this, you may like the BBC farm series. There’s a bunch of ‘em but here is Victorian Farm all in one vid.
If you like history stuff like this, you may like the BBC farm series. There’s a bunch of ‘em but here is Victorian Farm all in one vid.
It’s not them, thank heavens.
I usually don’t say stuff like this lightly but
Those are cute pranks, what a great uncle!
OMG, that is adorable!! I would’ve tried to scam so much chocolate out of my grandma I’d that were me.
One of my favorite memories of my childhood is when my grandmother tricked me into thinking I’d grown carrots in our garden in the span of three hours.
Is it pronounced “Kylee” or like the male name“Kyle”? Sorry, I don’t watch any of these shows.
I always assumed she’ll be wife #4 whenever he kicks Mel out as part of s misguided scheme to get approval points.
I’m sorry if this isn’t appropriate or ableist but how will people with vision problems or the blind use facial recognition? Will the phone just know if someone is looking at it? Do you have to look at a certain point? How will they know if they’re looking on the right direction?
He reminds me of the 60+ couple that was watching Baby Driver the same time my BF and I were. Just the 4 of us in the theater but these dicks had to text and carry on a conversation via shouts for the first ten minutes of the movie. After we very politely asked them to be quiet and put their phones away, they got up…
As an exMormon, it delights me to no end that Meyers equates converting to Mormonism for love with becoming an immortal, blood-sucking monster.
I laughed. I laughed hard and loud when the cone popped out.
Today I learned that Cameron Diaz is married and Benji Madden is still alive.
“Flirt to convert” is incredibly common - as a teen I was taught only to date LDS guys or, if I were very desperate, guys who would convert for me.
She was!!! It was really kind of shocking the first time I saw her do it but then I found out she donated to Romney’s campaign and the treating her employees like garbage thing made sense.