
It’s sad that you read this article and learned nothing from it. The ‘data’ you present is from, and is in no way an ‘investigation’. Going to that site for accurate information on dog bites is like using an anti-vaxxer site for accurate information on vaccine risks.

Hi, Roxy! Whosagoodpuppy??

It’s almost like pit bull is an umbrella term for a variety of breeds, and misinformed people coin any dog that bites someone a “pit bull”.

1) The very idea of scientific consensus is that it can, and should, change in response to new evidence, so I don’t see any conflict.

I don’t have a “strong opinion” re: pit bulls one way or the other, but let’s not pretend they (and similar breeds perceived as “tough”) are not frequently purchased by people who want an intimidating dog just for the sake of appearances. I’ve witnessed it myself many times, some guy gets himself a pit bull or a

My point is that these graphics / the info they present do not support the argument they are presented to support.

As the infographic is presented in the article (bolding mine), “The following infographic shows that the Pit Bull is still responsible for the most fatal attacks in the U.S. by far...”

Good article and topic Daniel. Anyone who needs proof that bully breeds can be great family dogs, check out the Youtube channel The Dodo. Tons of pit bulls rescued from bad situations which turn into the most loving snuggle bugs. Or consider that Cesar Milan’s personal dog which he used to calm down tough cases was a

Pit bull critics:

Roxy says hi to all the pittie defenders out there in kinja.

Very interesting, and not at all surprising that theres a racial undertone to this. It makes sense that a “pit bull type” of dog would emerge as guard dogs in urban areas - there were a lot of those dogs around, and people use what’s most available. Very few poor families could afford to import a Shutzhund trained

Best dog! Dedicated to their owners!”

Regarding the infographic you linked to; “pit bull” is not a breed, it is a catch-all term used to describe multiple breeds. Additionally, dog breed identification in such reports (even in animal shelters, where many people get their dogs) is typically based solely on appearance(which is extremely unreliable and

“Pit bull” is not a breed, it is a catch-all term used to describe multiple breeds. Additionally, dog breed identification in such reports (even in animal shelters, where many people get their dogs) is typically based solely on appearance (which is extremely unreliable and frequently inaccurate), not something like

So Incredibly Dangerous. I would never let one in my home.

Why do people say shit like this?

2017 is the correct date? Those statements were made over a year ago?

I actually appreciated Michael calling out that black people act out of self-interest as well. I personally doubt that a significantly higher percentage of black men were up in arms about Brett Kavanaugh than white men. We all do this. It should be called out.

I think this didn’t move the needle much. The women who were going to defect from the GOP already defected back in the “grab ‘em by the pussy” days. The women who stayed are totally fine with Kavanaugh and these proceedings. They get to claim some moral high road of not being a “snowflake” because they “deal” with

The quickest way for a person to die by my hand would be to harm a cat, kitten or other animal to train a pit bill. Yes, I would gleefully kill them and their dogs.