
Definitely not always. But also - not never. I agree with others downthread that people need to be careful about their motivations for telling someone these kinds of things, and restraint is incredibly important because you can definitely end up burdening someone unnecessarily if you're not careful.
But I would also

Damn, now I'm really curious what that last sentence you won't repeat is!….. Even though I know I also probably don't want to hear it either.

(Sorry, I know that's not exactly what you were asking for)

I'm working on it!

How do you get over feeling hurt by asymmetry in a long term relationship? I'm still in an earlier phase and he's pulling away more. I'm trying to focus more on myself/other things lately but sometimes that melancholy vibe is like a crushing weight.


The link doesn't seem to work, for me anyway :/

No idea what this comment is in response to but this response still made my day.

I keep accidentally starting poorly-timed, heavy relationship discussions with my s/o which pushes him further away and results in more poorly-timed, heavy relationship discussions, and so on, ad nauseam.
Does that count?

What happened?

Covering my guilty guffaw with one hand, upvoting with the other.

Yeah I had that same reaction too. I don't see how he can "come to his senses" about the hurt he's caused if he doesn't acknowledge that he's hurting her with his behaviour in the first place. This letter makes him sound like a self-absorbed asshole, to be honest.

Wow o_o I can't get over how elegant and concise this comment is. I've always struggled to object to this behaviour in spoken conversations, but you put it so perfectly I think I might have to memorize this.

I'm so sorry, that's awful :( Your description of that day made me cringe with recognition. That cold, detached silence is like a slow heartbreak, especially when it seems to come out of nowhere.
I hope you feel better soon.

For. Fuck's. Sake.

Cheesy as it is, Enigma's "Return to Innocence" always gets the tears welling up for me. I don't think it was an official Olympics song, I'm pretty sure it was just used in an ad, but I guess it's the just the age I was when it played meant it had a huge impact on me.

Much as I adored the Good Wife, "End" is not an episode I would award Outstanding Writing to.

Not snarking btw, I'm genuinely curious what word is meant to be in its place (assuming it's not the intended word)

I'm just gonna go ahead and assume he's here to take the open PM position.