
One of the big selling points for the No campaign (stay in the UK) in the Scottish referendum was that "If you leave the UK, you'll have to reapply to be in the EU!" Two years later, that selling point is in danger of being moot. So the Yes movement would only gain traction from a Leave vote from Brexit. I would be

You're not wrong. It's pretty disheartening.

Holy shit what the actual hell :( This is horrible. I saw the Green Room recently and really enjoyed him in it, and he was a real bright spot in the new Treks.
I feel so bad for this family. RIP :(

I don't understand what went through Septon Ray's head once the brotherhood left after threatening them. "Oh they probably won't come back", or "Oh they'll probably come back and I guess we just stay here and wait to be killed without fighting" ?

Is this the right time to call a Spade a Spade?

This is such a sad shock :( From her comments she seemed like a witty, sensitive and intelligent person. I'm going to miss her posts around here.

Tears :(

I'm so, so sorry. That's devastating.

ARGH. EVERYTHING AT ONCE. I hope everything calms down soon and everyone/everycat comes out OK.
And good luck with learning the new programming language - you got good resources?

Surely none of these can match the nauseating power of the Barf-O-Rama books from the nineties.

That scene with BOB crawling over the couch haunts me.

I had nightmares after reading Blindness by Jose Saramago.
It's a great book, but there's a graphic and horrifying gang rape in it toward the middle that almost made me unable to continue. I'm not good at handling depictions of sexual violence (or even the build-up/dread of an impending act of sexual

Fantastic article. Thank you.

Amazing question. Super timely for me.
I worry that I've moved around too much and not given myself the chance to really anchor my friendships and fit in - my close friends are scattered across the world. Yet, knowing this, I don't feel completely at home in the country I currently live in and I feel like I need to

Stop trying to make fetch happen!

Whoa… gut punch.

Your username has never been more pertinent

2Spider 2Man

I laughed too hard at that.

And it's going down with or without you!