So when they're done, it'll be WASWAS?
So when they're done, it'll be WASWAS?
Username/comment magic
Thank you. I don't even think there's anything going on there, just a little voice in the back of my head (and from a couple of people) had made me think it would be naive not to consider it. So with the LW I kinda can't help but try empathize with the person-feeling-left-behind (though I can't identify with the…
I hadn't really thought of the predatory angle… you're totally right.
Oh yeah, I wouldn't dream of dictating what friends he can or can't have. I'm not the boss of him!
I thought it was harsh too, when I think about my situation. I used to not have any of those kinds of doubts at all, my partner has always had female friends and I've never given it a second thought. I thought it was cool, actually. More recently he made this one friend he sees all the time these days (they work and…
Facebook, uh… finds a way.
*deep breath*
Which sites have you read that you would recommend? I've only read Jenny Trout's recaps, which I loved, and have left a takedown-shaped hole in my heart I would love to refill.
OK, um, WHY, when I click on the play button in the embedded video, does the title of the video comes up as "Brutal ISIS Execution Video (Graphic) 03/20/2016"?! I don't know if it actually is a video of that because there's no way I'm pressing play to fucking check.
Echoing @Lurky_McLurk:disqus - I feel like I missed something too, I don't really understand that last aside?
John Carpenter's run of collaborations with Kurt Russell contains three of my favourite movies (and soundtracks) ever. And great commentary tracks too!
The only one I haven't seen is Elvis, I don't know why I just haven't gotten round to that one.
To be honest, I was already like that as a child ("since I'm not already a prodigy in x/y/z by now, I missed the boat!").
Funny how I would honestly never judge someone else for whatever age they decided to start doing something, but I judge myself insanely harshly.
I didn't think I would still feel like a teenager at near-30, but I really really do. (And yet at the same time I feel too old to start new things.)
He's a by-the book rookie, loose cannon, with nothing to lose, who's only six months from retirement, and he's too close to the case!
That last sentence was a gut punch. He doesn't respect her boundaries and doesn't care about her pleasure. She doesn't owe him shit.
Regarding FAIL's letter… if my partner told me outright that a particular sexual act made them feel horrible or uncomfortable, there is no WAY I'd be able to get off doing that act with them because then I would know they're not enjoying it and I'm hurting them. How COULD you enjoy it if you know the other person…
I kind of want to frame this comment and hang it on my wall.
That's a hard mindset to break out of, so massive kudos. I'm still trying to get there.