“I don’t have ball players, I’ve got girls!”
“I don’t have ball players, I’ve got girls!”
Who's Woody Allen's wife again?
I think the point is people conflate single with being available, as in looking for a partner. She is not looking for a partner.
Yeah, “Volcano Girls”, off their second album. It remains to this day one of the singly-most insanely catchy songs ever written. It’s dumb, energetic, fun as hell, and contains maybe the best utterly-pointless mid-song “ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR” shout ever.
N. Gordon et al., “Volcano Girls,” Eight Arms to Hold You, bridge (1997).
The Seether’s Louise
Gen X, if you were there, was raised by television. Like, don’t tell everyone you’re an alien visitor so loudly.
Jackie Brown was also the only movie Tarantino made based on somebody else’s story (Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch). I don’t think it’s entirely coincidental.
And it’s the only one where he didn’t pen the original work, but merely adapted Elmore Leonard’s “Rum Punch”.
While I am a fan of many Tarantino movies, I also certainly feel that their violence is the most boring part of them, and the older I get, the more I grow bored of its gratuitous and at times pointless nature.
I saw a commercial for this movie that referred to it as “Tarantino’s masterpiece” and my first thought was, “no, that’s Jackie Brown”.
It really is the best one and so underrated.
It’s been downhill since Jackie Brown (his best movie by far).
Mostly because there was no internet, Youtube or easily accessible bootleg copies back when The Neverending Story came out in 1984, which means that both Dustin & Suzie had to have independently gone to see the film multiple times in the theater, in order to learn the entire theme song by heart.
“But please, if you don’t mind, for the sake of your poor old Dad, keep the door open three inches.”
As someone who grew up in the 80s, a wide berth of child autonomy was fairly common. Unattended children could pretty much roam around as much as they liked until the street lights turned on, which was the usual sign to get your ass home.
“For starters, who lets 10 year olds go to a mall unattended by an adult?” My mother and a lot of mothers I knew did. I walked to the mall with friends without supervision at the age of 10 in 1974. My guess mothers in the 1980s would do that too.
I think my biggest problem with the series is I don’t understand what the Russians were doing. For awhile I thought it was going to be the Russians trying to invade the US via a sneak attack by coming through the upside down, but I don’t think that’s the case? They were just.. trying to access it, like the US…
citation needed