
I thought it was the rich chick’s bodyguard . . . and I’ll go back and check, but I thought she’d pushed a fly into a muffin, cuz Villanelle is a murderous child. NOT RELATIONSHIP MATERIAL, JESUS, EVE.

There is none! TERFs love to drop cute little Wordpress blogs that that per their words, was concrete proof that we’re a danger to womankind. At some point in 2016 I got tired of it and decided to try my best to vet their “sources” and try to make meaning of their data.

Three years and eight months apart.  Sorry I can’t be more precise, I only have so many presses left on the keys on this keyboard and using them up typing additional extraneous words runs the risk of having it just shut down right in the middle of

And week two of “But I’m A Cheerleader” reunion, Ru and Natasha Lyonne.

I normally hate it when the guest judges pop into untucked but Natasha was so lovely. She seemed so down to earth and comfortable and wanted to gossip with the queens.

Nuclear takes: Ricky Gervais should be pitched into a volcano, and I don’t speak British so I needed subtitles for the original Office, the five minutes of which I made it through sucked.

“She’s a parasite, Eve.”

I’m not the biggest Silky fan, but she was funny. Nina was robbed though.

To Bring You My Love was my first PJ album too. I like Rid Of Me better now, but I think The Dancer will always be my favorite song.

I could never get into Alanis, but I love Hole as much as I hate Courtney Love, which is an exercise in cognitive dissonance.

So are we betting one year or two years before Google gets bored and just shuts the whole thing down?

For being three sentences long, this comment was a wild ride.

Linguistics major here. The whole point of grammar is clarity. We all recognise “dumb/smart at” and it’s meaning, and it is widely and commonly used, so it’s fine. “Dumb when it comes to” is also fine, but while it might be better grammatically, it’s kinda clunky.

Do I look like Mother Theresa? If I did I probably wouldn’t have seen Heathers a gazillion times.

NEWGAWKER” as if it’s going to be some incarnation of the New Yorker? Um.

Gabby Bluestone Just wrote a post here on 12-26-2018.

She is a great drag queen but that doesn’t mean she’s a great drag race contestant. I mean her runway this week was completely nonexistent. Did she just close her eyes and pick out any dress in her closet? This is all stars.

Another vote for The Expanse.

