I knew this would happen.
I knew this would happen.
well it was a fun controversy while it lasted folks
Jim Cooke, you are fantastic.
“Once we’re in international waters, every woman on the ship gets to make love to whoever she wants,” Sean David…
The Internet is TOTALLY qualified to diagnose things. Just look at Fitbit baby. So let’s play what do I have:
It makes me want to create an arc of transcendency onto one of her books.
Like a trash monster that feeds on sewage, it only makes him stronger.
I keep thinking of everyone who doesn't have an iPhone thinking that Usher is working hard on being able to fellate himself and I can't stop laughing.
#ScreenShotIt #LickIt #PullThemPantiesToTheSideAndGetReadyForThe#HalloweenEdition #CuzHalfYallScaredOfTheDickAnyway 👻👻#WhereverYouAtInTheWorldDatPussyBoutToBeWetYouHearMe#iSaidDoYouFuckinHearMe #OkThen#TakeYourIndexAndMiddleFingerAndMakeAGun#ThenPutTheGunInsideYouAndPullTheTrigger#EaseItOutAndPutSomeOfThatStickyIckyO…
There’s a new commercial on Hulu for United Methodist Churches that says “Church can happen anywhere” ...that phrase really scares me for some reason...like I’m going to wake up in my house, go downstairs, and there’s church going on.... gives me the chills.
I’ll say it again: Feminism without intersectionality is just various shades of bigotry.
Desert: Where we berry the bodies of customers who say “cream brulee.”
I have a four year old. If you tell him not to touch something because it is hot, he doesn’t touch it. He never has touched something after being warned it is hot. This is an instruction simple enough for a four year old. Why do adults have so much trouble with it?
Denis O’Hare’s drag queen was Liz Taylor.
But really how could they not include Hotel California? It seemed to me, so obviously based off the song before they even played it. It would have been almost rude not to include it.
Isn’t the drag queen’s name Liz Taylor?
“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”
Hahahahaha, oh Brayden, darling, did you read that delightful new Bruce Williams column in the daily print out of the internet that one of our several butlers brought us this morning?
I know at least one girl who keeps making bad decisions, then when they bite her in the arse feels the need to post on FB about how she's "cleaning out the trash!!!" from her life and how she's "soooo much better off now!!!". And 200 people like it and tell her well done for being strong. I feel like if she didn't…