
I get what this is about, but as a mixed race person, I don't think keeping the battle lines drawn is a good thing. This is White. This is Black. And never the twain shall meet! If you are White and do a Black thing, I shall tear you down! If you are Black and do a White thing, I shall tear you down! All that ends

I mean...I don't want to hate on her. I don't. She's a lady artist and I feel like I should support lady artists, but fuck if she isn't the most annoying art school/drama major* kid on the planet.


Yes... luxurious.

I had my iPhone vaccinated and it doesn't do that now.

I actually think this may be my biggest disconnect with modern American culture and in some ways Western feminism: I don't think that being a CEO means that you're "better off." I don't think it's necessarily a measure of "success." It's unhealthy (I think) to make kids feel like being CEO of some fancy-pants

I'm kind of sick of the notion that every woman in tech wants to be Sheryl Sandberg. I don't give a shit about the C-level executives. They run the business I work in, and I am a cog in the machine. I get my hands dirty. I break stuff, and I put it back together again.

For some reason, every time I've seen the title floating around recently, I figured it was about Ada. I am disappoint.

As soon as I started sleeping well and not having nightmares that I acted out in bed (my poor then-husband got nearly beat to death a few times), the PTSD and everything else was a lot easier to control. It's funny - Ambien has made almost as much of a difference in my mental state as my other psychotropic drugs.

Wait. I just had a paradigm shift moment here.

Finding a med combination that works with a minimum of side effects is like trying to find a unicorn in a sewer.

You know when you simultaneously feel like smashing something and also showering, because you feel so pissed off and disgusted. I feel like that in reaction to this article.

There's nothing quite as attractive as someone being exactly who they want to be.

I feel like if half of the population is being terrorized because "religious freedom" then religious freedom should not stand. Terrorizing and marginalizing these women and calling it "freedom" (especially if they have no real way out of it) is a violation of their human rights.

When ever I'm somewhere and don't have a ashtray i just flick out the cherry and carry the butt around till i have somewhere to dispose of it.

All I've learned from all of these articles is that everything sucks, it's impossible to be happy, and I'll probably regret making either decision re: having kids. I have got to stop reading these things.

Heathers captured lightning in a bottle. Any series based on it would be a horribly tragic watering down.

I'm okay with this. I'm not sure it's something that would have worked. I don't think they could end up making it nasty enough, both because of the channel and because teenagers killing each other has a different significance these days. It's hard enough to channel things across a couple of decades even absent those

Or sometimes you're not dating/not hooking up effectively celibate for several years at a time because you've got shit to do goddamnit. When I went back to push through my second bachelors in a STEM field, there were classes, endless piles of homework, studying, and research experience and work. Dating or a hookup