
These are my Hard (Objective) Dating Parameters which are NOT Flexible:

I bet Amy's cats wish she were a dog person.

High Fructose Porn Syrup.

Short & sweet. If said dude making the advance wont take a simple NO. You have every right to twist the knife.
“When a man says no in this culture, it’s the end of the discussion. When a woman says no, it’s the beginning of a negotiation.” – Gavin De Becker

I'm worried the drugs are self medicating and that the problem is much deeper :/

Could have saved a lot of time had she looked on the bed, on the floor, on a towel by the door.

What I love about this: walked away from what, lady? From the man with the gun who jumped him and had been watching him for several minutes? You mean... walked away from Zimmerman's actions? I thought old Zimbo wasn't doing anything.

Can we please give all the awards at Laverne Cox? Pretty please?

I asked these ladies what they thought. Here's what they had to say:

I scored a Super Slut!!