
Possibly inappropriate, but I completely love you right now. There was a 100 days to Christmas email sent round to my team yesterday and it made me want to go upstairs and find a window to jump out of. That whole paragraph after the bolded YOU HAVE TO GET THEM slayed me.

Currently reading, and loving the heck out of, "Lucky Us" by Amy Bloom.

Wow. Are you my former co-worker? Because that's a LOT of verbiage right there being used to justify your unwillingness to add a tip as a gratuity at the end of a meal out.

Yeah, I had the same issue on trips to the US. Sales tax in particular wrecked my head at first. At least I had tipping figured out before I went! Totally agree on the whatthefeckitude of people relying on an unwritten social contract to earn a wage in a first world country.

It's probably not perfect, but it does guarantee a semi-decent minimum take-home wage for servers every night, which (mind-bogglingly) is not a given for tipped workers in many (most?) parts of the USA. The ideal solution is probably "Why not both?" as in tips+decent living wage, but that's double-rainbows+unicorns

I remember you reporting on the $10/20% option offered by Packhouse Meats before, and it still seems like the best option.

I have a very similar story, was working for the Arches to make some spending money my first year at college. I'm cleaning up a spill on the stairs and this woman in a fur coat (this was 24 years ago, but still...) stops, coughs pointedly, and when I look up says, "Don't worry dear, your life will get better." I was a

Went into all replies, kept scrolling down. She turned up near the end. I had the time to sleuth it out. One of the few benefits of unemployment! (That and being able to cackle my ass off at this and BCO without worrying who hears me.)

Incoming parade of BDR stankfaces:

At the risk of being that guy/gal, this only works if the person in charge is paying attention. You have one lazy boss who makes everything a "team" success, and the ass falls out of it pretty quickly. Because those who don't feel accountable still get carried, and the other people on the team feel even more pressure

I think the issue here is a determination on her part to view the show through a particularly narrow lens, with the result that she ends up with a warped and hollow argument. It's forced outrage, and she has to ignore representations of corruption in cities depicted in film/TV and also misread the show she's watching

Ummm...I would have thought that the show was more critical of the way in which the poor are disenfranchised. The missing women and children could be written off with "report filed in error" by those who orchestrated the cover-up, and their loved ones didn't have the juice to push matters. The whole cult was based

True Detective fits that bill quite nicely, I think.

Yup, and this is why people on twitter being "really happy" amounts to nothing at all really. I wonder how many of them are aware of Jobie Hughes' side of the story? I remember being appalled when I read it years ago.

He must be gagging about Ben De La Creme being on this season!

She does now....

The HFPA are the Jon Snow of award-voters with all their knowing of nothing. Damn it.

My sister shares a birthday with you (like many others here!) but luckily in Ireland there's traditionally a big night out on December 26th (pubs and clubs are closed on Christmas day) and so she is always out with her friends in the early hours of her birthday.

Apart from the heavy-handed assonance and alliteration (take meds plx) and the general nonsensical barrage of outsize words, I'm not entirely convinced she wrote it.