
Well, anyone who followed Gaga on Twitter had more than 6 months of ARTPOP this and ARTPOP that before the album came out. It was a tad overdone. There's such a thing as building hype, yes, but it it can backfire. I was sick of hearing about ARTPOP without getting to hear ARTPOP, if you know what I mean.

I think Ellen did a very good job of hiding her disappointment that Yeezus did not show her a trailer for the sequel to Bound. I mean, that I would watch the heck out of, but I had to turn his video off after the first audio sample of Kim.

This is what listening to Enya at high volume will do to your testicles, unless you're JC VanDammit.

+ 1 to your list and the additional suggestion of Tatiana Maslany. Because, damn.

Yay! Congrats to the Rebecca formerly known as Burt/Boo-urt for an awesomely weekend-tastic Dirt Bag. Taking self off now to read ALL THE OTHER BURT POSTS because it is Saturday and I can!

Wait, this was the long was the original mail? And how can one human be so full of crap and feel so self-important that they feel the right to inflict this on another? I just...words...failing.

Congrats on the new job. Like many others, I'll be keeping an eye out for you on Newsweek, and watching out for news on the YA novel. I liked the PUA article on Dissent a heck of a lot too.

Awesome article.

Both bioplar disorder and schizophrenia are treated with anti-psychotic medications. I'd assume that post-partum psychosis would be medicated along similar lines. Not really helpful to damn someone based on their prescription. Lots of people are on anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers and do not go on rampages (well,

Not this kind of scalp tattoo? Because this kind is good.

Let's not forget Sinéad's involvement with creepo Irish MRA John Waters, with whom she had a kid. Given the mud he dragged her through while trying to get custody of their daughter, I'm not surprised she's hypersensitive to the idea of any woman being manipulated by men. (Disclosure: I dealt with Waters a fair few

But isn't that the tricky part? Kids today with smartphones and the internet, meaning there is no "safe space" for a child that is being bullied. They're inundated with it. I was bullied as a kid, and I remember not wanting to talk about it because I was ashamed, and felt that there was something wrong with me that

Not mentioned yet (that I can see) Lorrie Moore, Grace Paley, Ali Smith, AM Homes, Djuna Barnes, Joshilyn Jackson. Also: Lauren Beukes, Tricia Sullivan and Alex Barclay (those three in the more "genre" category, which I rebel against but YMMV). Barclay's kinda hit and miss, but when she hits, she hits hard.

Yeah, I thought it was like he'd watched a bunch of classic movies (The African Queen, Giant, Key Largo all jumped to mind), but in the backroom of a GAP.

My pick would be the Great Library in the Tuesday Next books by Jasper Fforde. All completed manuscripts ever written, plus a well of lost plots for the ones that didn't quite make it. All presided over by the cat formerly known as Cheshire. What more could anyone ask for?

Willam, Detox, Shangela, Raven and many more. Lucky lady.

This is my most favourite of all the Gaga images:

Yup. My philosophy in general is "Don't carry that shit". It could have something to do with being older and no longer seeing life as being about quantifiable success but more about tangible happiness/contentment.

I kind of thought that the memoir was the jumping off point, it sold well in book form, it had a hook that would work on the suits...and then Jenji gets her hands on it and subverts the crap out of their expectations.

Oh, so this is why she studied with Marina Abramowic? As art goes, I'd rate this effort "meh". Gaga minus goofery plus pretension adds up to nothing more than a whole lot of cringe.