
By the way, I don’t align myself with Trump. You’re an extremely emotional debater and you, as you’ve told me yourself, polarize people into an ‘us’ or ‘them’ binary. Because I’m not with you, I must support ‘Trump’ or ‘them.’ You’re also contradicting the shit out of yourself, saying you won’t waste time debating and

Provide independent proof that Russia hacked the US elections. Also, the emails were authentic, and the DNC would’ve jumped at the chance to obtain similar information. Sounds like a bunch of crybabies scapegoating because they lost by their own merit. I’m not a Republican, but you guys do *so* much divisive bitching

Talking to you is like trying to talk a klansman out of his bigotry. Like I said before: You don’t have an opinion; your opinion has you.

Talking to you is like trying to talk a klansman out of his bigotry. Like I said before: You don’t have an opinion; your opinion has you.

Night, Dudley. See you at chessclub tomorrow. We’re doing the Polish Opening, and this time, *I* wanna be black. How’s that for white privilege?

Haha! Like you used to ‘suck up’ all the blow! You were always greedy with your drugs. Stims cut the appetite, though, so I’d always wind up getting the rest of your shitty buckwheats. That’s why I was always so willing to pick up the check.

No. I will always love you, Dudley. Remember how we used to get pancakes at Denny’s and then do blow in the bathroom?

Life on Earth is a series of conquests. Waxes and wanes. Chinese had a hegemony; The rightly guided caliphates had their days; Aztecs did well, enslaving and murdering whomever they could to slake the thirst of their gods. Western Europeans are not especially evil; they’re just in the power hotseat. For now.

I think we’re giving each other some good competition.

I hope you one day learn how to understand your enemy. Your insults will start to improve.

Pffft. What neighborhood did you grow up in? The bullies were brave as shit, beating the crap out of people who surpassed them by several grades. I don’t think there’s much a correlation with casual racism — present in most — and cowardice. Plus, babies as young as two-three months prefer the company of members of

Pffft. What neighborhood did you grow up in? The bullies were brave as shit, beating the crap out of people who surpassed them by several grades. I don’t think there’s much a correlation with casual racism -- present in most -- and cowardice. Plus, babies as young as two-three months prefer the company of members of

Wanna frot?

You’ve written a lot — a good amount of what you say is correct. I’ll go sentence by sentence, and I hope you read what I have to say like I’ve read what you have to say.

“My “militant” aggression comes from not being at all interested in being under their motherfucking thumb. I’ve listened to these morons at work

You didn’t respond to anything I said. You just added a label, and I suspect you’ve got just a trifle more creativity than that. That kind of intellectual laziness is beneath you.

Hell, you’re not even comitted to your own system. Why was my mansplaining so well done? You missed an opportunity to make an example of

The status of white genocide’s authenticity isn’t the point; it’s that *you’re using the same inflammatory, provocative statements that the Altright is using*
Also, you lack understanding of the Altright because you’ve been listening to their detractors and accepting their arguments without question; furthermore, your

Mhmm. Like *you* wouldn’t make out with DiCaprio while his girlfriend is away. The primordial thrill of whisking away a rich, famous, taken man? Puh-leez. Ya’ll are virtue signaling. Bring him to my house and *I’ll* make out with him — certainly better than many of you ladies could do, anyhow.

You can’t encompass the Alt-right with a term like ‘Nazi’; that’s far too simplistic and risks misrepresentation. You’d like them to be nazis because it affords your world view a moral superiority with which you can self-assuredly toss an entire intellectual demographic down the shit hole. There are racists in the

Of course it matters that you’re single. It’s a good indicator of your capacity to start a family — traditional or not — with someone whom you desire. It’s also a statement about your level of long-term desirability to the other sex. Are there superficial things about yourself of which a man might disapprove?

I bet

It’s possible to think otherwise using demographics: America is 2/3rds Caucasian. This is reflected in Trump’s strategy, which was to galvanize the ‘white vote’ (specifically, fly-over country). It worked. Also, many Conservatives and Independents would see a bid for a third presidency as balking the two-term