
the Joker’s costume includes a bulletproof vest filled with the badges of cops he’s killed

Pwn is actually used to this day in hacker circles, although “own” is probably more common.

I just found out about this today and while I’m heartbroken for her because it doesn’t look like she’ll have any options other than to shave her head, this isn’t the glue company’s fault. At all. 

“Warning: Easy Off Oven Cleaner should NOT be mixed with Kahlua for a tasty cocktail, not fed to babies In lieu of pureed peas, not used a currency to purchase a monthly transit pass (continued on other box)...”

This smells like a case of not reading labels

It’s hard to say these two rulings are “victories” for Epic, so much as they’re minor setbacks for Apple. Cook could very well be deposed for seven hours, but that doesn’t guarantee the court will side with Epic Games at the end of the day.

You can’t really blame ring or amazon for having to comply with a subpoena. If you had your own security camera system, not tied to the cloud and stored locally you could just as easily be subpoenaed to provide video.

Aside from the general anti-cop sentiment that pervades this place, is there a reason I should give a shit about this?

While I am sorry for your loss, red beans and rice is the god-tier S-rank Popeyes side. Why get rice by itself when you can have rice and beans and deliciousness to go with your chicken?

I have Fidelity, thank god, and have been able to purchase AMC and BB without problem. I picked these two, yes because there was chatter, but also because the underlying companies do have some solid basics (especially BB) that might show success in the future.

The wrong people are manipulating the market.

and have been known to deploy the kinds of racial slurs and deliberately offensive language that have become commonplace in 4chan-style posting forums on Wall Street.”


Its “fraud” when the poors do it, apparently.

“To be clear, we did not ban this server due to financial fraud related to GameStop or other stocks.”

I love Levine’s description of it as the “Boredom Markets Hypothesis”. You’ve got a whole ton of people with Robinhood accounts basically gambling in the stock market instead of sports and regular gambling. Most of them will probably lose money on net, but they can still send things on a wild ride (and it’s hilarious

At the start of the pandemic I was lucky enough to have a small supply of the really good 3M N95 masks meant for sanding and chemicals. However, all the masks had a front valve that allowed my unfiltered breath out, so I covered the N95 mask with a cloth mask to protect other people from me.

Oh yeah, Morbius was a thing.

Just release them all on VOD, you cowards. Charge $19.99 so we can move on with our lives.

No one has any money to buy popcorn and I don’t need some pimply-faced goober who doesn’t wash his hands after jacking off in the restroom to give me food anyway.

Martha Stewart agrees.

Is there a way for everyone mentioned in this piece to come out on the losing end?