
Just remember that the word “woke” means: “informed and compassionate”

Any time you see a fascist using it, be sure to ask them why exactly they are opposed to “informed & compassionate ideology” etc.

In other words, the story really needed to put the breaks on periodically and encourage you to explore.

It was WAY overcomplicated. A straight-faced Buck Rogers riff with evil universe-conquering robots and zero self-awareness should have been a no-brainer.

The trailers so far have been a HUGE turn-off, but this clip has me wondering if the trailers are just doing a terrible job of conveying what the movie is all about. THIS is the kind of thing I want from a D&D movie. Vox Machina nails it, and this gives me a little big of hope. But big, pointless action scenes with

Studies, evidence, profits, and productivity all say the same thing - flexible working arrangements are better for business. Where are these insanely rich old guys getting this stuff from? It’s certainly not from facts, data, analytics, or any other scientific source. I’ll tell you: It’s because of their own comfort,

Quest is not a great PC headset. Index is getting long in the tooth and it’s still $1,000 on it’s own. The PC VR library is also stagnating... between lack of content and lack of decent, affordable PC-centric hardware, it’s a vicious downward spiral. Standalone units like Quest are just so underpowered and

It’s simply because Sony cares about quality. The standards for each of their PC ports so far has been EXTREMELY high.

The Flash one of the best superhero movies he’s ever seen

I’ve always felt that most DC properties are at their best when they are kept separate, but that’s just me.

I was looking forward to this one. The game is beautiful, but the controls were clunky and unresponsive and the gameplay was tedious and repetitive. No matter how great the art direction, it was not a good game.

Legislating legislation because you are afraid you won’t have the power to block future legislation when it is legislated is some pretty dystopian nonsense.

Something is fishy here, because this is not how AI works. To get this kind of result you would have to train a model on one image. In a diversified model you wouldn’t get an image that looks highly compressed like this, you’d get an image that might look similar to another, but it will be crisp, and maybe distorted

Straight from their own LinkedIn page...

“Fntastic is an all-remote organization, headquartered in Singapore, specializing in creating video games and software. Fntastic is run by volunteers from across the world.”

You don’t need to file a trademark to be protected, you simply have to be using it first. Filing does help prevent situations like this, however.

Since there is demonstrable proof on the public record that they were using the trademark as early as January 2020 (domain registration) then they can oppose the predatory

This game is being developed in Russia?

The game is being developed by a studio in Singapore. So...

“The Day Before” was first announced on Jan 27, 2021 and their domain name “” was registered on Jan 17, 2020.

I really want the game to be good, because it looks like it could be right up my alley. But I am most certainly not holding my breath.

I’d prefer an open-source version I can run myself, train and tune myself, etc.

They haven’t really changed much. The base mechanics (like rolling a D20) can’t be copyrighted, so the CC licensing is really just theater.