
My understanding is that Tesla pays significantly better than other automakers, even for factory floor jobs. I am all for unionization, but it has to come from the workers, not from existing unions trying to assert themselves, completely uninvited, onto entire sectors.

I wish Honda would bring back the Rune Valkyrie. But an electric version. Mmmm.

God, that was a beautiful bike. Not many out there like that... just these copycat old-man hogs. Not really a good way to get a new generation of riders buying bikes.

Even the Yamaha Roadliner Midnight, another gorgeous, art nouveau-inspired

So Ubisoft has forgotten that what made them successful was interesting games made by passionate people.

“Socialism for the rich; rugged capitalism for everyone else.”

This is so stupid in so, so, so many ways.

I say this as someone who is a huge fan of Playstation... but PS Now is just hot garbage, and is in no way, shape, or form an alternative to having games natively run on PC (or PS5).

I have no problem with seamless in-world advertising. Like real banners in sports games, or real billboards in racing games. That actually increases immersion, if anything.

If I see this in a game, I won’t touch it with a proverbial 100-foot pole.

...a multiplayer spin-off to Control...

Days Gone was just way too late to the stage. Zombie games have been milked to death, and to have any hope of standing out it needed to truly transcend. But instead, it was a solidly okay game with an uninspired and frequently awkward story weighing it down even more.

Even I have gone on social media to shill Game Pass. Not because I was paid to do so, but because it’s the biggest no-brainer in gaming. Seriously, if you are a PC or Xbox gamer, and you don’t have Game Pass, you are doing it wrong.

I’m going to wager that she unbuckled herself after getting pepper sprayed while trying to escape the excruciating, suffocating pepper-spray-filled car.

Ah yes, you and you family are being brazenly tortured by a cop on the side of the road without warning, reason, or justification and there is a non-zero chance you are going to be murdered in front of your family... how DARE you run for your life and the lives of your family.

This crooked cop needs to be on death row. He lost his shit, tortured an entire family causing them to flee for their lives, then stalked them, ran them off the road, and recklessly caused a fatal accident, murdering a child in front of her parents and family, traumatizing and injuring everyone involved... and after

Somewhere in the middle of this article I started reading it in Christian Bale/Patrick Bateman’s voice, and I’m a little weirded out now.

Came here to post this. Our feudal-corporate overlords haven’t had enough time to react to it becoming an “official” holiday yet, but just you wait until next year.

Also, Rev. Samuel Alouicious Lovelace is the best damn name I have ever heard, and I thought I did well with my own kids.

talk about that one with the aliens that I can’t even remember the name of.

No joke, I am 100% over “progression” systems in these kinds of games because they are ALWAYS just an excuse to sneak in microtransactions. If there is any kind of premium currency, I will refund immediately... assuming I don’t find out beforehand and simply never buy it. This has popped up in so many games lately,

I don’t do competitive online games at all, but co-op games - AB-SO-LUTELY.

Thing is, even with the wonderful L4D formula, absolutely none of these games really stands out to me. Redfall in particular, gives me such Fortnite vibes that I genuinely put off by it. Back 4 Blood and Aliens: Fireteam are the only games on

Why would you use even let the dock stay visible? Set it to auto-hide and use Spotlight and/or Alfred like a grownup!