
Came here to post this. Our feudal-corporate overlords haven’t had enough time to react to it becoming an “official” holiday yet, but just you wait until next year.

Also, Rev. Samuel Alouicious Lovelace is the best damn name I have ever heard, and I thought I did well with my own kids.

“The delisting comes after a story in which RavPower offered a reporter a gift card in exchange for a review.”

talk about that one with the aliens that I can’t even remember the name of.

No joke, I am 100% over “progression” systems in these kinds of games because they are ALWAYS just an excuse to sneak in microtransactions. If there is any kind of premium currency, I will refund immediately... assuming I don’t find out beforehand and simply never buy it. This has popped up in so many games lately,

I don’t do competitive online games at all, but co-op games - AB-SO-LUTELY.

Thing is, even with the wonderful L4D formula, absolutely none of these games really stands out to me. Redfall in particular, gives me such Fortnite vibes that I genuinely put off by it. Back 4 Blood and Aliens: Fireteam are the only games on

Why would you use even let the dock stay visible? Set it to auto-hide and use Spotlight and/or Alfred like a grownup!

Windows is the OS for power-users and administrators, macOS is for the creatives

Awww, is Trump’s little crony sad that it didn’t get crony-treatment after Criminal Orange was finally booted from the White House?

Too bad. So sad.

The judge ruled that Biden needed Congress to approve any moratorium.

More like Project Mendacium.

Unless a PC VR maker gets on board first, foveated rendering will basically make PS5 a more “powerful” VR device than PC instantaneously. The machine only has to render about 1/4 of the scene at full detail, which also means greater detail for that small portion. It’s a multifaceted problem that Sony is uniquely

I’ve got a CyberTruck on order and something tells me I’m going to like the yoke just fine. I tend to either keep my hands at 9 & 3 when actively steering, at 7 & 5 when cruising, and when steering into a tight turn or circle, I use the hand-in-the-hole-as-a-crank technique.

Windows 7 was the pinnacle of Windows so far IMO. Windows 8 was a mess, Windows 10 is almost good, but Microsoft only ported about half the OS over to their new UI, making it much more difficult than it should be to access certain settings panels and features.

Ohhh, a theater with a vaccine-verifying bouncer?

Florida, you say? Why don’t those otters just pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Asking others to get their food for them is SOCIALISM!

What is a “movie theater”?

If Heard is involved, it’s a hard pass from me - no matter how thirsty for Momoa I am.

Safari > Edge > Firefox > Chrome

I always look forward to MacOS upgrades.

I am just emotionally exhausted. And I don’t mean that colloquially either, but in the literal dictionary definition of the word. Half a decade of constant horror and outrage, with almost nothing coming of it afterward...

The IRS lets these people get away with it while focusing their terror efforts on the struggling